Post-Convergence 2008

Jul 10, 2008 11:53

Ah, Convergence.

A wonderful time. I planned ahead a bit more than previous years, and had a room to crash in and store precious alcohols. For those of you who might not know what Convergence is, well, it's about the biggest party sci-fi geeky Con in the state. It's big. It's a lot of fun.

City Pages A List Writeup of Convergence

And, before I forget, here's another writeup in the City Pages that came out this week... Ground Zero made the A List. Yeas!

Go-Go Girl came to Convergence with me for the second year in a row, and spent time hanging out with friends like Shaya, Mrs. Self Destruct, Seilens, and the like. Other friends of Other Court Games were there, too, including playtesters Mark IV, Ink Tea, and D. DJ's Nitrogen, DV8, and Noise, all friends from the club, were there, too, spinning in the Main Stage area each night. So, yeah, lots of friendly faces.

Here's Jon and Mrs. Self Destruct!

Go-Go Girl!

Laa-Bot and Mark IV!

I arrived Thursday evening and spent an hour or two posting flyers. The way Con typically works is that people go to panels, talks, and chill during the day, and party (and I mean seriously party) all night. So I set myself up for running demos for Fri and Sat, and then joined in the fun.

Friday rolled in. I went to the Indie Games Panel.

The Indie Games panel. Stephen J. Miller, Kenneth Hite (who does Out of the Box for Gaming Report, and Rachel Kronick.

Then I went and did what Indie Game Designers do. I got up to the 22nd floor, where the Open Gaming area was, and set up a sorta-booth at one of the tables. People would wander by, I'd chat them up, and they'd take away handbills. Now, it certainly wasn't the kind of foot traffic we had at, say, Con of the North, but it was traffic. I kept a presence for about 4 hours, then called it a day and went downstairs to party.

Savage Aural Hotbed played Friday night. I tried to shoot some video, but the sound quality on my little camera isn't all that great.

Savage Aural Hotbed

There was a fun little encounter with Ink Tea in the hallway.

The Truth

image Click to view

Saturday was essentially a repeat, for about 4 hours of demos and chatting. Ran into Tim Erikson, who does the comic Death's Whisper. I run into Tim about twice a year... he self-publishes (and is a bartender, too, natch), so meeting him was an influential push, many years back. It's always neat to catch up.

Saturday night in the Space Lounge there was great big gobs of great geekiness.

Laa-bot, in the Space Cadets!

Ink Tea, doing poetry! (Video effects by yours truly)

50 Faces of the Fever

image Click to view

By Sunday, well, Con is pretty much done, with people checking out of the hotel, last minute panels, and the like. Go-Go Girl and I left mid-afternoon, got home, and promptly collapsed.

So, yeah, it was a good Con.
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