Live at Forge Midwest

Apr 12, 2008 12:46

So, we made it through the somewhat-harsh weather to Madison. Last weekend was Jon Con; turns out I *didn't* get to run the Factions game (low turnout on Friday couldn't fill the game out), but I *did* get a round of the First Weird War in on Sunday night. Turnout for Jon Con all-around was strong, and folks seemed to enjoy themselves. Thanks again to Jon and Geek House crew for hosting.


I took rPhaedrus along for the ride this excursion. We left Minneapolis about noon and made good time to Tomah, where we stopped for a meal at the truckstop there. Then rolled on to the Dells, and got two half gallon "growlers" of beer at Moose Jaw Brewery.

The sampler beer set.

Back onto the roads, rolled into Madison and the hotel at exactly 6pm.

rPhaedrus' parents live not too far off and they met us at the hotel, and we met up with his aunt and the 5 of us ate at this Mexican place.

Back to the hotel and into gaming proper. Played in a game of Covert Generation, run by designer Caz Granberg. It's a quick game, about 90 minutes. It's a "narrativist" game style, where each player gains control of the story for short periods of time, but there's still a GM running the overall flow of the story.

Then we got Caz into a 3-way game of First Weird War, and played until 1:30 am or so.

Other folks playing games:

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