Have you ever known someone who just annoys the fuck out of you? One of those people that are perfectly nice and have always done right by you, but for some indefinable reason they irk you?
It's maddening. If you have a valid reason to be irritated by someone, that's okay. But if it's someone who irrationally BUGS THE FUCK OUT OF YOU, then YOU seem like the jerk! It's like a vicious suck-cycle.
Obviously, there is one such person I know. She drives me nuts because she is an outspoken member of every online community and social site I frequent (except for LJ....Halle-Fucking-Lujah). Therefore, everywhere I go, I'm constantly inundated with her annoying comments and general kiss-assery.
I mean, c'mon...you can only roll your eyes so many times per day before you start to get a headache, right?
Stupid pointless-poser-saccharine-namedropping-brownnosing-pain-in-the-neck-ass BITCH!!
That said, I'm sorry for venting my pettiness all over y'all. In a feeble attempt at redemption by way of botched poetry, I offer my angst summarized in haiku format:
Twitter Update Whore-
Disingenuous drivel.
There IS a twit...her.