Feb 17, 2007 14:43
So. It was discussed in IM that the two Harry's ought to meet. That being Book!Harry and TV!Harry. Book!Harry is already a staple of the bar, and TV!Harry has taken up residence in my head. Therefore, I bring you TV!Harry. With permission from Book!Harry, even. Wheee.
We're only a couple episodes in, but TV!Harry is a bit different from Book!Harry already, but fundamentally the same. I'm going to shake things up and say this Other!Harry lived a normal life (more or less), until his parents died in a freak accident when he was seven. Harry had an uncle Justin, who took a keen interest in the boy. It may be that the uncle had something to do with the parent's death, but no one knows for sure. In any case, Harry was fostered out to the uncle with his parents dead. And the uncle, of course, groomed Harry to be a wizard of the dark arts.
He didn't account for Harry having a pure and good heart. Teenaged Harry triumphed over the evil that was his uncle, but he was cursed along the way, so that if someone touches him with hand to skin, he is shocked with a surge of emotion that person is feeling. Not exactly a soulgaze, much more vague than that, but similar, and just as emotionally overwhelming.
Please, please, please, IM or email or OOC me before initiation physical contact with Harry, so that we can work out what he will feel, and what your pup will feel. The source of the emotion, and what is decided on in mun-to-mun communication will largely determine how intense the exchange is. It's not something I can prearrange, but...I don't think Harry will get a clear picture of what's causing the emotion, he'll just feel it strongly.
In any case, I'm going to intro O!O!Harry later today. If your pup knows Harry already, he or she likely wouldn't know this is another version of him initially, since they look a bit different. But figguring that out would be fun *g*
Any comments? Questions? Direct them here!