Self-Study Guide to Mathematics: A Long Road to Baby Rudin

Sep 18, 2023 17:35

File under: Book Ideas I'll Never Write

I had the idea for a book called "Self-Study Guide to Mathematics: A Long Road to Baby Rudin". It gathers a whole bunch of links for self studying lower level mathematics. Looking at the MIT OpenCourseWare and other video lectures. Looking at what textbooks, workbooks, problem sets, exams, and reference material could go with it. Most of the video lectures are Computational, so I'd put it that you would do Computation-first and then read the textbooks for the proof-based versions of the courses, slowly working up to Baby Rudin. I sketched it up with LaTex. A problem is that would only provide about 50 pages of material. I'd have to write up 10-15 pages per course to make it book length. Perhaps with paraphrasing the definitions and theorems in the courses as a sort of cheat sheet? Another problem is that I'd have to watch all those videos, read all those textbooks, and do all those exercises.
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