Missa Chick-a-pea

Jun 24, 2005 00:40

I decided today that my first "I am an adult now" cat will be named Arnah-Tay. It means "little thing" in Nell-speak. It came to me in a dream. I think it is fairly creative and will always elicit wonderful conversation when company comes over. I don't really anticipate having company that doesn't appreciate the works of Jodie Foster in the first place, but you you never know.

Franny, good luck with the boy. I eagerly await the next chapter like some sexually-suppressed Christian housewife eagerly anticipates the next next couple of pages in her second-hand Harlequin romance novel she picked up at the Church rummage sale.

STAR is going well. I really like my students, and I think they like me as well. I have gotten more than one compliment from them on my creative use of film in the classroom and my style as a lab leader in general. I am trying to assemble a list of all the things I think they should know about Flagstaff before they move up here, and I am going to pass it out as a handout on the last lab day. The STAR program gives students a lot of information about NAU, but I think it does a poor job of informing them about the town. My list will brim with useful information from my own experience (for example, "Avoid the chai at Late for the Train...it tastes like cinnamon water"), but any suggestions you NAU readers have are welcome as well. Impress me with your knowledge about our sleepy hollow.

I have to be up for STAR meetings in five hours. Goodnight.

"Then I am a collage of unaccounted for brushstrokes. I...am all...random..." - Six Degrees of Separation.
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