- i got myself a tumblr after lots of persuasion from friends. so if you have one, mine is shesalittlerunaway. now, i just got it last night, and have NO IDEA what are good tumblr's to follow, so if you have a tumblr.. rec me your favorites! just keep in mind my interests! lol. you all should know them by now. also if any of you don't have it. i also have a twitter and it's trialsbyfire. so follow if you want, it's not private, just if you have a different name than your LJ name, umm tell me? i'm a retard like that
- I GOT A NEW HEADER. i love it. it makes me bawl. thanks loaded_remains
so yeah, not really an important post, i'm not commenting on the latest superantural rumors because i would lose a ton of friends. and ILU all.
So since like everyone wanted to hear my thoughts via PM i thought it would be easier just to say it here. fair warnings, this reaction is not nice to castiel and it may contains lots of swearing.
TO BE QUITE FRANK. IT'S FUCKING BULLSHIT THAT HE'S BACK. FUCKING BULLSHIT. and on top of that I KNOW it's fanservice, it can't be anything else but fucking fanservice. i read somewhere that castiel was supposed to die in 4x10, well we all know he didn't, and seriously, i'm so pissed that he didn't, because ever since then he hasn't been needed at all. sure in the beginning he was new and could give the boys info or what the fuck ever, BUT THE WINCHESTERS AREN'T RETARDED, he didn't give any life altering information. he's just there for fucking fanservice, and what i REALLY HATE is if that castiel had boobs, PEOPLE WOULD HATE THE CHARACTER. HATE IT. so really it's retarded that this is fanservice. just absolutely retarded. i mean he as a 'regular' last season too, and was supposed to have 17 episodes DURING the apocalypse.. well he only had what.. 15? ROTFL. they couldn't find enough reason for him DURING THE APOCALYPSE. how are they are going to find enough reason for him when it's not the apocalypse? I DON'T FUCKING GET IT. AND HE SHOULD REALLY JUST FUCKING STAY DEAD. CAN DEAN SHOOT HIM OR STAB HIM OR SOMETHING? Y/Y?