Hey to all the new friends that i've made recently *waves* some stuff has changed on my about me (including new fandoms) so i thought i might as well repost it
yeah, i only have has much room as i do because the awesome lesson_in_love gave them to me as a present (she created a monster)
lmao. well i mean ohio has LBJ it already looks bad (LOL no offense. -does not like LBJ as a person- and yeah i'm glad the younger guys are getting a push.. but i also hate it's at the expense of the vets.. but i guess that's too be expected
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yeah pretty much, it's basically just 7 people beating people up and causing shit.. it's pointless. NGL.
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right? the only smart thing they've done in months (besides teaming together cena/orton) is giving evan a well deserved push!
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lmao. well i mean ohio has LBJ it already looks bad (LOL no offense. -does not like LBJ as a person- and yeah i'm glad the younger guys are getting a push.. but i also hate it's at the expense of the vets.. but i guess that's too be expected
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