
May 18, 2005 10:13

welp tonite danny took me out to eat.AWWWWIES. and we went to crazyfire. I LUV THAT PLACE!!!! n-e-wayz. i made sure danny got tested before i would do anything w/ him.lol. he's all clean.n-e-wayz soo we than went back to his house for a little and umm chilled.lol... but he had to bring me home before 9 cause he had to be at work at 9...i am watchin teen titans w/ my mom.lol everyone that wants to sign my yearbook better sign it. i want all my friends signing it that r in state even if u dont go to my skewl!!!!!!!!.welp g2f for now. i gotta work tomorrow. from 4:30-8:15. omgsh me and thomas got into it today he made me cry... he called me ugly and fat,etc. all kind of asshole rude things. it really pissed me off and upsetted me. cause i'll admit he's sexy but he's not even that cute. he told me he only wuz going out w/ me to have someone till he found the right one. and he also told me he'd never be seen in public w/ me again unless i got plastic surgery... omgsh he had be basically bawling. he made me feel soo bad about myself. he called me a loser. and alwayz calls me stupid...*sigh* n-e-wayz tired of depressin moment..but welp i'm tired. oh yeah incase i didnt mention before the other day i passed my written part of my CNA exam.. now i gotta pass the skills part tomorrow and i will be a certified nursing assistant!
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