Nov 21, 2003 15:09
amazingly in my visions of angles and demons, devils, and even the ocasional gaurdian class spirit, you will
find some evidence of genetaila.. which is somewhat interesting in the sence that, many angles in history
have been depicted as 'sex-less' - thus comprising them of absolutly no genetailia.. saposedly this would
also be a conflict to a 'side-story' of the bible that was named 'the watchers' - in this the angles identified as:
teaching the human wives they took- all the secrets that untill that point were only whispered by god.
A most interesting reference is contained in this, the skill named Cabala- or in actuality Qabala.
For this reson, the word can be known, and in the word- there is light.. and from this light comes
division, (reference of : "add subtract multiply and divide" 909020). The divisions of theskills could
be know as the word, which is Qubala, this could also allow us knowleg by calling apon someone
with this knowleg/skill, invoking through this method is extreamly dangerous though. It should only
be considered in the method of this:
D.'. D.'. - Here begains the section of this document which is Class D - D.'. D.'.
Construct "The Grand Kabbalistic Circle," acording to "The Rite of Lucifuge" Contained in
"The Book of Black Magic" VI:§I:CCVII. The Circle of White Magic, found on VI:§I:CCVIII of said
book-source, should be constructed around the Grand Kabbalistic Circle, this will prevent spiritual
charge damage, so any of the assistance, or even the Magician/Sourcerer is not rendered dead
by any repulsive, unintelligable, or violent/rebelion spirit. The outer seal should be at least double
the size of the inner summoning circle, which is reccomended to be the standard for Pegan
covens. The Fallowing Prayer should be said:
"-I present thee, O great ADONAY, this incense as the purest I can obtain; in like manner, I
present thee this charcoal prepared from the most ethereal of woods. I offer them, O grand and
omnipotent ADONAY, ELOHIM, ARIEL, and JEHOVAM, with my whole soul and my whole
heart. Vouchsafe, O great ADONAY, to receive them as an acceptable holocaust. Amen."
fallow the final pray contained at the end of The Book of Black Magic, repeat, 40 times, the
prayer to compell Obediance... stopping at each name that is a prince devil over all his
leigions of hell.
- here ends the Class D document -
This ritual will compell this images of hell, and you will be shown, all of hell, it will be made
know to you, and unto the assistance at your left side... the right assistance will suffer the
pain of supporting you while you walk in hell... this is the need for the magician to place a
charm over him, when he enters the gates of hell.. the right assistance will be seen as a
creature with long golden hair similar to the Lady Of Abomination, and thus have the feat
of a griffen, and the hands of an ape. She will be seated in a circle of stones and will
compell you towards her with her desire to be healed, and you will place the amulet and
charme but you must resist her beauty for the assistance is sustained only by possession
of this deamon, and if touched in this hell, the magician becomes paralized, and then
possessed... and the assistance dies, being torn apart by demons and being sentenced
to damnation. Once the charm and amulate are set in place, the right assistance will be
rendered invisible, and your tour will begain.