Jan 12, 2005 22:05
i was gunna write this entry about the things/ppl who have been pissing me off lately..but then i decided that i dont like when ppl tear into me on their livejournals so im not gunna tear into ppl on mine..i think that talking about ppl on ur lj is pretty much the same as talking behind their back..ur not directly telling them u have a problem with them and sooner or later their bound to find out..i think if ppl have a problem with someone they should just go right on ahead and tell that person to their face..nicely of course..i think i might do that from now on..not keep stuff inside cuz i dont want to hurt people when all these other ppl are hurting me and its not stopping b/c i dont say nething..and no thats not a selfish remark..i would say that people need to get over them selves but one of my friends who will prob read this has a problem with that terminology and i dont want to cause others pain so lemme see if i can put into different words..ok ppl need to learn to accept things and not judge all the time..esp not judge themselves..god i hate that..i hate listening to ppl talk about themselves when all they do is put themselves down..there are enough ppl in this wrld putting u down u dont need to do it to urself too..ok and now im doing exactly wut i said i wouldnt..so im gunna stop now..have a good night all