I have a confession to make. I am addicted to “American Idol”. To be perfectly honest, I’ve only watched one complete season, and that was a few years back. But I’ve watched the final 12 (or how many they are), for the past few years. Last year made me a big Adam Lambert fan. The boy can sing.
This year, being Simon Cowell’s last season, plus the addition of Ellen Degeneras (who won’t be on till some time in February), convinced me to watch the whole season, front to back. And after two nights of auditions (some good, some unbelievably horrid), my favorite was this 63 year old guy named “General Larry Platt), who sang (and danced), a rap song he wrote called, "Pants On the Ground".
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Now, I am not naïve. I realize this was some kind of stunt to add something different to the show, but it worked for me. And evidently for a lot of other people as the video of his “audition”, on Youtube is over a half million. It was just fun.
It is currently 34 degrees outside. So, somebody explain to me why I am freezing. I'm colder now than when it was 5 below a few days ago.
I worked three days this week, and I’m having some “fun”, getting used to this again. I had to clock in at 5AM, which means a 3:45 wake up. Since Santa ended, I’ve been doing nothing but eating and watching the tube. I just wanted to do nothing for a couple of weeks. The problem is that now I’m used to staying up late, so getting to bed early has been a bit of a problem. I lay there for a couple of hours before I actually fall asleep. So, I’ve been operating on about three hours of sleep per night. Not good. And next week I’m scheduled to work five days straight, beginning at 5 each day. Hey. It’s a check and I’m getting a whole lot more hours than I had a right to hope for. I ain’t complainin. I’ll get used to it.
This Haiti situation is horrible. I can’t even imagine. I was watching one newscast today and the reporter broke down. I will admit to a problem. I would like to be of some help, and it would appear that all I can do is send money. I can do that, but I have a very deep set belief that money given to charities rarely gets to those who need it most. In this situation, I keep having thoughts about the corrupt government in Haiti getting fat on our donations. I listened to a representative from “Doctors Without Borders”, and this topic came up. I have to say that she wasn’t real convincing. I’m gonna have to give this more thought.