Dec 03, 2006 03:19
So now it is December, and I'm still seeing new things every day. Like, I saw my calendar saying it was December and then I saw myself wearing a tshirt and shorts. This is something I am really not used to at all. Im really not used to college in general and it doesnt help that Im in South Carolina. There are so many things about this place that are light years away from what I'm used to. Let me think of some:
~You cannot buy a case of beer containing 30 individual cans. 24 is the max and its called a "suitcase".
~Its funny to come here and seeing people trying things that you're supposed to "experiment" with in college for the first time when I've done pretty much everything already.
~If you meet a girl in a sorority and want to continue talking to her after the initial greetings, you MUST lie and say that you are in a fraternity. Otherwise start talking to someone else.
~Beirut is no longer fun (ghasp!)
~Be prepared to be patient with the drunkasses, people here do NOT know their limits.
~Also be prepared to be patient with the bums, they are all crazy, if you say something completely random to them, it doenst have to be english, they will go away. And if they ever ask you for money to buy "food" they really want money to buy crack.
~Dont drop acid on tuesday. ever...
~Do not fear your RA, most of the time they do stupider shit than you will ever do.
~Get used to drinking Busch, it is your best friend.
~Dont be afraid to go into Gilroys if you are high/drunk. Everyone that works there is 5 times more fucked up than you are.
~Celebrate in the fact that your parents are MILES away, they can't see you do that kegstand.
The semester is almost over and I get to come home for quite a long time. Im not sure if I'm ok with this. Although my mom did suddenly become a lot cooler over thanksgiving. She invited all my friends from TP to my house without telling me. Then told us we could do "whatever we wanted" in the basement. It was wierd at first but I guess she decided that it would feel good for a second to have your son's friends think you are "the cool mom". I also get to see the NY Giants play the NO Saints Christmas Eve at Meadowlands Stadium. I am really excited for that. Even though the G-men are fucking up what could have been an amazing season. Just being at the game will be great. Its fun to see my dad at games. He gets all psyched up and starts talking to people next to him. I like when my dad is happy, I would have moved far away by now if I was him.
So now its time to twist this up, smoke it up, punch out, lights out, its what my life's about.