ok heres a new re-cap then. a little tidbit that i forgot to mention...paintball!
thats right...we grabbed our equipment and took our cousins out for a little game o' war and heres what happened...
the wannabe paintballers
and this was the result of the first game
*andy vs chepe vs myself*
andy got hit in the leg near his crotch by one of my paintball volleys, chepe got hit in the foot but everything was dismissed as it was considered a false start on me. once the "true" game commenced, i got my butt kicked in the second round. heres how it went down: chepe stayed in his OG position and layed down some heavy fire towards me. as i was firing upon chepe i didnt notice that andy snuck round back and began just spraying me down. after 2 shots to the temple the game was over and the winnah:
and the end result of one of the other games...
andy vs lili vs nane (not pictured)
some stuff happened...general duck and cover manuevers but my little cuz surprised us all (especially andy). as she (lili) was covering from nane's fire (at the top of a hill, nane was at the bottom) in a rock formation that masked her form perfectly, andy decided it was time to go for the kill. only knowing where nane was, he moved forward unaware that my lilttle cuz was still hididng behind that rock. and as we all gazed to see or hear the outcome, we just heard 2 shots echoing by the hill side pop! pop!
then a little scream and it was over.
where they're pointing at each other is where they got hit. andy on the chest and lili on the base of the neck. ouch!
there where lots more battles but my camera just ran outta juice...oh well. and thats it. only wish more people wouldve come...