rhapsody in police box blue - a doctor who primer.

Dec 27, 2010 08:16

(In the style of a Cracked.com article, but with fewer countdowns and more beating around the bush.)

Why should you, a regular human with lots of valuable time and energy spend that same time and energy watching Doctor Who? This post will explain exactly why (if in a way that is a bit rambly), and how the Doctor changed my life for the better.

First, a song to explain who the Doctor is:

image Click to view

And now, a quote from our lovely Companion Rose:
"He's like fire and ice and rage!
He's like the night and the storm in the heart of the sun!
He's ancient and forever!
He burns at the center of time and he can see the turn of the universe!
And ...he's wonderful!"


Okay, there are many and varied reasons why I love this show, but it about boils down to the Doctor himself. I assume you heard old CraigyFerg up there singing - he's really neither a doctor nor a human - he's an alien, a Time Lord, last of his kind. And he does in fact travel through space and time to combat the powers of evil in his TARDIS, which is the big blue box he jaunts about in.

First, mechanics of the show: Doctor flies about in space and time, spending a rather large portion of said time in England past or present or future, because why not. He adores the human race for their ingenuity and adaptability. He rarely travels alone - he often chooses a companion at apparent random from among the people he meets in his adventures. It's sort of like Supernatural in that they go about thwarting evil with an occasional dose of overarching plot, but with lots less testosterone and guns and lots more aliens and utter brilliance. (And some time paradoxes. Paradoxi.)

The TARDIS can go anywhere. Even the Windows XP default wallpaper field.

The Doctor is a truly amazing man, and I want to be just like him when I grow up. Honestly, mankind could choose a worse role model than this nerdy man with his flying police box and his sonic screwdriver.

(I've been hanging around the Doctor Who wikipedia page a lot recently - if you want the straight facts, go there. I'm more of the evangelist than I am the lecturer. So I want to keep this less infodump, more gushing praise. ;D)

here is a list to keep my mind straight:
-doctor and companions
-overall show

Kay, so the Doctor is more or less ideal, in a totally Stu-free way. He has a ludicrous amount of power - he can travel through space AND time, and it's really within his abilities to change anything he wants to to suit his purposes. The Time Lords have rules, sure, but he's the last of them - there's no one policing him, making sure he follows the rules and whatnot. And instead of becoming king of everything, what does he do? He jaunts about, helping people solve little problems and big problems and loving every second of it. The rest of the Time Lords died in a terrible war that threatened every universe - a war that featured horrors that you can't imagine. And the Doctor soldiers on, and somehow despite all the darkness he's seen manages to find joy in every single encounter - whether it be with a werewolf or a giant sentient library. He is wildly intelligent and enormously kind. He maintains this childlike wonder whether he's saving Christmas or fighting the Devil himself. The Doctor loves to lean and is very knowledgeable, but at the same time very aware that there is so much he doesn't know. He can be stubborn, but a 907-year-old Time Lord has learned over the years that sometimes you have to bend.

There is one thing he is adamant about, absotively posilutely unshakeable, and this is like my favorite part besides the whole childlike joy bit. (I do love the childlike wonder.)

The Doctor respects life. He respects and cherishes the life of every single sentient being in the entire bleeding universes so much that he hates seeing even his enemies die. He refuses to carry a weapon in any circumstance. He cries when aliens he's never met are killed, and will do his absolute damnedest to the point of sacrificing his own feelings and even his life so that people can live. He is so utterly compassionate that it just boggles me. He is understanding and accepting of other cultures and practices in a way that would shame most 'tolerant' humans. (Dear American Respect Life movement: take a hint.) He's been known to set aside the emnity of literally centuries to help even his most hated foes when they're in need.

At the same time, don't think he isn't a badass. Look at that quote up there from Rose. The Doctor's enemies' nickname for him is The Oncoming Storm. This man will kick your injusticey ass whether you're human slave traders or giant spider aliens intent on destroying the earth, and he will do it more brilliantly than you could ever hope to.

This quirky and wonderful man is also enormously lonely. He could do this all alone, but why would he?

The Doctor often travels with a human companion or two or three. (Generally one female, though, in my experience.) These girls serve the meta-purpose of giving the audience someone to relate to, but they're all pretty damn baller on their own terms as well. The Doctor generally meets them entirely by accident, and offers them the chance of a lifetime: see the entire fucking universe and be back the moment you left, none's the wiser. (INSERT EPIC TARDIS ENVY HERE.) The Doctor doesn't play petty games with or look down on his companions - friendship with the Doctor is really-truly loving friendship. And these ladies (and sometimes gents) do make the most of it. Each of the companions has a special place in my heart, but truly my favorite forever is the first, name of Rose Tyler. She sticks with the Doctor for three whole seasons and a regeneration (when a Time Lord dies, btw, he regenerates - the Doctors I've watched so far are the Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh actors to play the part).

Doctors through the years.

She is truly the epitome of what a Companion should be - she learns quickly, she shares the Doctor's innocent love of new things along with his compassion, and she is just a really wonderful strong female character. She has her flaws as well - she totally abandons her mom and boyfriend to go gallivanting off through time and space, for one thing - but she's really just amazing. I think that she understands the Doctor in a way that he's never really experienced before, and it's wonderful. (Also, Billie Piper is just posh and beautiful. AND she sings a song on the Pokemon: the First Movie soundtrack. Truly epic girlcrush is SO go.)

Rose and the Ninth Doctor
I said this before, but when I grow up, I want to be just like the Doctor. No person in any show or book I've ever watched or read has ever been such a complete role model to me before. (He'd probably be appalled to hear me say that (if he weren't, yanno, fictional, goddamnit), but it's true.) To make an enormously fucking corny reference, he's like the dorky embodiment of that Lee Ann Womack song "I Hope You Dance." I want to always attempt peace before choosing violence, to always stand up for what I believe in, and to never stop believing that anything and everything is possible and that every situation can have a happy ending. I want to love everyone and everything I meet. (Hell, the Doctor's inspired me to be a better Christian than anything else I've encountered in the last several years.)

This is an interesting thing about the Doctor, also, at least to me. I tend to be attracted to the deep, tormented-but-gentle ones, and Lord knows that the actors who've played the Doctor aren't exactly lacking in the looks department. But I don't want to be with the Doctor. I want to BE the Doctor. Call it feminism rearing itself properly, or whatever you want, but I don't want to be the Companion in my life story, no matter how exciting that position might be. I can never be second fiddle, I don't think, and whoever comes with me is just along for the ride, and they better hold on damn tight. I want to be as wonderful as the Doctor, and I hope that I am blessed enough to find someone to love and who loves me who is as wonderful and beautiful as Rose Tyler.

But seriously, folks, tealdear version: Doctor Who is funny and nerdy and action-packed and gripping and scary and heartbreaking, the characters are well-developed and wonderful, the theme music is catchy and terrific, and I've never been this invested in any single show before in my entire life. I've cried more inconsolably at this show than I ever did at a Harry Potter plot twist, and it has inspired such miracles as getting my brother Christian to consider cosplaying.

And I really truly think this show is for everyone. So go. Watch it now. If you know me, chances are I've probably already given a copy of the show to you or plan to. If you don't or are far away, then go figure out how bittorrent works or google 'watch doctor who 2005 online' and get down to business. Allons-y.

And Merry Christmas. :D

long post is lengthy, fangirlish glee, team tardis, i am the queen of the dorks, tenth doctor, ninth doctor, eleventh doctor, epicness

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