Oct 20, 2010 00:35
Hi everyone! I am unbelievably behind on starting my homework so this post is intended to be brief, but I felt awkward leaving that angst-fest as my last post. Although I was probably PMS-ing at the time, I don't take it back. Rather, I feel the situation is more like one of those Star Trek or Supernatural episodes where someone/thing/sex pollen makes Sam/Dean/Kirk/Spock say things to the other that may very well be, to be fair, true, but would never be said without the controlling outside influence.
I don't have sex pollen or any other kind of trope on hand to excuse it, but just so you know I'm not sitting here in a dark, damp, cold room writing dark poetry about my ravens and my soul or anything. I still feel a little...off, for lack of a better term, but I've resolved to be more optimistic and less passive-aggressively gloomy.
Hopefully my plan will work. ;)
(In other news, only five episodes of TOS left to finish the whole series! I promise I will make an epic Star Trek post of recap and review upon its completion. :D)
ETA: I resent the cheerful expression of the busy mood theme icon. I am in no way pleased about my busy-ness. >:(
srs bsns,
star trek