Here I am,
Jesus, I'm a failure at blogging. I wrote that *points up* and then went and read for like twenty minutes without ever finishing my sentence.
Okay, so this is my life. (This post will not be as angsty as the last one was, nor as the post forecasted in the last one was expected to be.)
I'm resigned to Irene leaving although I'm very sad about it. I would actually prefer to be alone next year than with a new roommate that I fear will inevitably be a drunken skankwhore, because there's no way I could get roommate-lucky twice.
It is very nice having an actual paycheck but I feel like the good times are going to come to an end soon... I'm going to be away for half of July so so much for having dollars. (I have like zero dollars right now anyway; buying the Sasuke contacts for Otakon like drained my poor acount, and then I still needed to buy wigs and that sort of thing. (Also, since I have almost run out of things to do for Otakon, my mind keeps shooting ahead to next year's tekko, so I've been buying stuff for that, too, bit by bit. )
Ummm... hmm, Code Geass and Gurren Lagann.
Lelouch was justicey in a way Light/Kira never was - dedicated to justice and willing to be painted as the villain and die to bring true justice. The amazing (and bittersweet) ending made my heart say *guh* and I was like on the verge of tears the rest of that night. I have to say I loooooooved this show. It and Gurren Lagann were the big deal last Otakon and I had never even heard of them before ^^;;; so I figured it would be a good idea to watch them before the next one rolled around. Now when I go all be all up to date on last year's popular anime and I can find out what I'm behind on for this year. :X
I'm in the middle of watching Gurren Lagann right now and all I have to say are two things:
And Two: Nia. Who is this glittery. fucking. marysue. who does she think she is. standing in kamina's place in the opening song. and being in a weird box. and not being kamina. she is like the anti-kamina, and I've only seen like three episodes with her but Sam says she never gets any less sparkly and meek and I HAAAATE her but everyone in the series LOOOOOVES her and I WANT HER TO DIE OR TURN INTO KAMINA OR GO AWAY SOMEHOW. Yeah.
I miss Harry Potter. I think I need to reread them because they were such an epic part of my life, and I feel like they're part of the past, and Harry Potter should never be part of the past. ("Voldemort is my past, present, and future, Harry Potter." See, I've still got it, and can randomly quote/paraphrase the books at the drop of a hat! :P)
I recently (meaning I finished it last night) read Maya aka Sarah Rees Brennan's newly published book The Demon's Lexicon and I have to say that I was (really unfortunately :\) disappointed by it. It started off really cool, and I dunno if I just had too high of hopes for it or what, but I really felt like the ending fell flat. It didn't turn out how I expected it to, and that's not necessarily a bad thing but the big reveal at the end was just sort of awkward. And there was no Nick/Jamie at the end, I was sooooo hoping to have me some Nick/Jamie at the end. It really reminded me a lot of Supernatural, though, which may or may not be a good thing. (Two demon-hunting brothers with mother issues, one emotional, kind, and bookish, one stoic, gruff, and fond of cars and women. Except Nick (the Dean-y one) is the younger brother.)
So right now I'm rereading the Mortal Instruments series, because I bought City of Glass at the end of the semester and started reading it only to discover I did not remember one bleeding thing about what had happened at the end of the second book. I really like this series. Which is strange, because if you asked me whether I liked Maya or Casssandra Claire's fanfics better I would have said Maya's (not only because she wrote so much fabulous slash, and Cassandra Claire's most famous epic was madly Harry/Hermione :X)
but it seems to be the opposite when it comes to original fiction.
I bought really pretty flower seeds to plant in my shitty broken rainboots. Unfortunately that purchase took place like a month ago and the little packet of seeds is still sitting unopened on top of my boots in my room... ^^;;
I started watching Bleach with Andrew (my 10 year old brother). It's really fun both to rewatch the old episodes back before they invented good old quality fucking animation and to watch them with Andrew, who seems to think that it's mainly a comedy and that the battle scenes are a little on the gory side as well as a little unnecessary hahaha.
It's my birthday in two days! Heather and Sam are coming over tomorrow and we're going to gnome epically all over Beaver County, maybe see Transformers II (which looks ballin'), and then maybe go laz0r tagging on Thursday, because it's mad fun and I think they'd love it. Mommy and Daddy said that they were thinking about giving me two free plane tickets to Key West for as my birthday present, so that a friend and I could go spend some time down there. I've invited Mal, because 1)we're like soulmates, 2)we definitely don't spend enough time together, and 3)the idea of Mal and I together in Key West is mind-blowing, I can barely imagine it. (And Key West is old hat to my gnomes anyway, and I my gnomies and I only work at maximum awesomeness in a group of three.)
Christian got his driver's license today... I'm proud of him but also a little worried because I'm picking up uber epic car usage diagreements dead ahead, captain. Of the three cars we have for immediate and constant use, only one of them is an automatic. I honestly can't use a stick shift to save my life (although I have almost ended my life with one, before) and Chris is a little better than me but not enough that he'd actually try to drive them places.
In trekkie news, I've stalled out on TOS an episode into the second season. I don't know why but I just don't feel the urge to watch it. And I know I should, because the second season gave Star Trek some amazing things: Amok Time with pon farr, the slashiest concept in the history of slash, The Trouble with Tribbles with, well, tribbles, and Mirror Mirror which I'm pretty sure features an AU Spock with a goatee. So I honestly have no reason why I've stopped watching it...
Btdubs, my final count for times seeing Star Trek reboot was 9, beating out the previous record holder, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, by 1 viewing.
Also btdubs, I just want to give a big shoutout to the Kirk/Spock pairing. Not only is it awesome on its own both when seen from a TOS standpoint and most definitely when seen from a Reboot standpoint, but it was the progenitor of all slash fanfiction, and the ancestor of all the great fics I've probably spent cumulatively a year of my life and linearly a little less than a decade reading definitely deserves Mad Props. You rock, Kirk/Spock.
I'm waxing verbose and I have to work tomorrow, so I'm going to sign off for now. Expect a ridiculous post about cosplay plans and Otakon in general later on. :D Steph out.