Shall we play a game?

Apr 10, 2012 13:40

1. Leave a comment to this post, specifically saying that you would like a letter.
2. I will give you a letter.
3. Post the names of five fictional characters whose names begin with that letter, and your thoughts on each. The characters can be from books, movies, or TV shows.

I was gifted with the letter 'D' by kojonoyuri.

the Doctor: Since watching Doctor Who for the first time a year and a half ago, the Doctor has become my role model and one of my favorite tv characters. He's an alien but he's more loving and human than many of the people you interact with on a day-to-day basis. He believes in hope. "He’s like fire and ice and rage. He’s like the night, and the storm in the heart of the sun. He’s ancient and forever… He burns at the center of time and he can see the turn of the universe… And… he’s wonderful."

Death the Kid: What a champ. This martyr for OCD-ness is one of the best things about Soul Eater. Kid is ridiculously powerful as the grim-reaper son of Lord Death himself, but he can't even finish a fight if he forgot to fold the toilet paper ends into perfect triangles before leaving home. I adore him.

Draco Malfoy: So I was never the Draco fangirl that some of my friends were, but I do have a soft spot in my heart for the golden boy of Slytherin. Unfortunately I think his character is far better developed in fanfiction, and I think a lot of non-H/D shippers are shocked when the generic public thinks of Draco as a two-dimensional bully or coward. (Also, protip: when people call him Draco rather than Malfoy, it's a dead-giveaway that that person is a slasher.)

Donna Noble: I hated Donna in her Christmas special. Just hated the shit out of her. And then she came back, and I feel like her story is the biggest success story for all the companions. She started out thinking she was a good-for-nothing temp, and became one of the Doctor's greatest friends and saved the universe. And then she got totally fucked over and had her mind wiped and I am still boggled by that.

Darth Vader: The ultimate redeemed villain and all-around badass. (Ignore the whiny prequels-Annie.) Also, that voice! James Earl Jones is the shit.

memeage, meme

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