awesome reading thing of greatness rec

May 07, 2011 15:28

So I sgined on today and looked at my f-list and bryoneybrynn had recced an awesome essay-type-thing about bisexuality here that is an excellent read. My favorite part:

To Whom It Shouldn't, But May, Concern:

I am bisexual. I am not trying to be someone I'm not; I'm not trying to deny something I am. I am not confused, greedy, or going through a phase. I'm not looking for your validation--I can do that for myself--but hey, your support would be nice. I am a ~unique and special snowflake~, but that's because I'm a human being, not because of who I'd like to fuck. I'm not interested in threesomes based solely on the qualification that one interested party has a dick and the other has a vagina. I am looking for a fulfilling, monogamous relationship with someone who understands, supports, and respects me, but I don't have a problem having some fun in the meantime. I am not a sex object. I am not a toy. I am no one's Girls Gone Wild DVD.

The fact that I am bisexual does not affect my ability to be a good daughter, sibling, friend, or significant other. The fact that I am bisexual does not define me as a person. The fact that I am bisexual does not mean I am going to leave you because you do not meet my secret bisexual needs, though I do reserve the right to leave you for other reasons, up to and including you being an ass about my sexuality. The fact that I am bisexual is not something I am obligated to talk about, but I'm not obligated to shut up about it either.

I have the right to use whatever word fits to describe myself; I have the right to change my mind about what word that might be. I have the right to tell you if, and why, a joke you told offended me. I have the right to be seen for who I am, not who I am attracted to. I have the right to smack you if you try to put me in a sexual situation you assumed (but did not ask if) I would comfortable with. My decisions about how I relate to and act upon my sexual orientation, like all my other decisions, are my own. I will shut you down if you try to tell me otherwise.

Most importantly: I am the same person I was before you knew I was bisexual, and will continue to be that person regardless of how you choose to react. How we proceed from here is on you, not on me; I'm going to be who I am, and if you have a problem with that, it is your problem alone. I like who I am, and you are not going to change me. Quite frankly, you'd be out of bounds to try.



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