I have been home for two weeks now and haven't posted since then... so here's a quick update of what I've done recently (to be fleshed out later on)
• Gone to NYC and seen Dan Radcliffe sing and dance on Broadway
• made a Roy Mustang costume and a Haruno Sakura costume and gone to Tekkoshocon (the anime con in Pittsburgh) with three to five friends (and saw more friends there!)
• cleaned my room like a madwoman and made three enormous garbage bags of clothes for Goodwill
• got a ticket to go back to Japan!
• made no effort at all to figure out what is going on with my online classes (which started today, oops.)
• made big bucks cleaning other peoples' houses (if only that could go on my resume...)
• watched all of Samurai Champloo (also finished Durarara!! before I left Japan and loved it)
• been bit by the writing bug because of the above, and have written (I blush) irredeemably plotless Jin/Mugen porn. (I will also post that later, if you're interested and I don't die of embarrassment.)
• realized that I have a weird penchant for writing in present tense
• been roped into sewing for my old high school's musical (mi madre
piratesmile331 is the costumes mistress and has deputized me)
• made the news in my hometown AGAIN because I was in costume in the right place at the right time. (I got interviewed by the Post-Gazette at Tekkoshocon, and if you want to see the video and are friends with me on Facebook, go check out the link I posted. If you're not friends with me on FB and still reeeallly want to see, go creep on the Post-Gazette's website. I'm the Viral who says congoers are harmless. (I shan't link it directly here because it credits my real self. :O D:) >.>)
and that's about it. And now it's midnight and I'm already exhausted (writing porn is hard work, apparently) and I'm going to hit the sack. ♥