
Dec 02, 2008 23:10

 Mom's talking about college again. Urgh~

I'm sitting in the basement because there's a nice warm fire down here and now my room is cold~ D8

Monday night I got pissed off at my supervisor. He just started going on about how the workers with two jobs (exclusively me, actually), expected to be treated differently by the higher-ups. Apparently this all started when I sat down at the beginning of my shift and complained that I was tired (never mind that I went on to blame myself for the stupidity of staying up until 3AM when I knew I had to double in the morning). Whatever. I kindly told him that "I don't expect shit from anyone here," and the conversation ended. /:

Couple weeks ago another co-worker said that I "guard my emotions so stubbornly." I wanted to ask him what he meant by that, but I think I'm afraid of what he'll say, so I haven't.

I slept until 4pm today. I think that's the longest I've slept straight-through. NEW RECORD?(!)

I don't really want anything for Christmas. Mother is getting kind of antsy because I haven't given her a list yet. But I'm not really sure I want a BJD, and there's nothing I really am like, dead set on getting or anything. She said that father suggested an ipod, and that would be nice, but I'm not really into the mp3-player scene. I think they're overrated. Or I could just be an old fuddy-duddy that doesn't like change. *shrug* I prefer to have a hard-copy of my music, thanks.

Speaking of Christmas, I need to remember to make a list of who I need to shop for. That would probably be a good idea.

I've been really apathetic and just...'blah' lately. I hate it, but I can't seem to get out of this slump. Or really pinpoint what it is exactly that is bothering me.
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