So, it recently came to my attention that being obnoxious and asking questions is a crime now... uh oh. Better keep my trap shut in class today.
Recently in a lecture at Florida State University a student was arrested, tazzered, and dragged out of the hall. He decided to ask John Kerry, the lecturer, a question about whether he threw the 2004 election by not protesting gross miscounts in voting. His tone was extremely obnoxious, I imagine he's a huge fan of Dane Cook, because their delivery is similar. But regardless, when did being annoying and asking questions at an open forum discussion become illeagal. Initially the crowd laughs and applauds at him being taken out of the hall. Sure, that might be funny, ha ha obnoxious guy gets taken out of talk by campus police, ha ha. But when he's got 5 officers throwing him to the ground and holding him there with a tazzer to his chest, it's not funny anymore. I was appalled by his treatment even before he was tazzered, but it's amazing the amount of brutallity we will find entertaining, as long as it's to another person. Thank fully after about 3 minutes peopel in the room do start to react and call for mercy.
I guess the students in this lecture and the officers too have forgoten about the Tazzing of a student last year who didn't have his student ID with him in the library.
Because as we all know questions and books are deadly weapons requiring excessive force.