Aug 15, 2007 13:27
I'm pissed off! I just got my Financial Aid Award letter, usually I love getting letters that tell me people are giving me money!... Not so this time... You see Financial Aid has made it their mission this summer to bleed as much money out of me and my dad as possible (do we all remember the rent check fiasco?). Well, now I find out that they, for what ever reason, thought it would be awesome to deny the full value of my U. Penn. scholarship and leave a LARGE amount of money just sitting on the table, and insted force me to take out another high interest loan. No! NO! NO! that shit doesn't fly in this house. If I'm awarded a scholarship, I'm getting every cent they offered to give me! Well, that has been taken care of, they have been caught with their hand in the preveriable cookie jar. Only now they've tried to pull another fast one. I now have the scholarship, but they have cut my work study, I am now recieving 1/3 of the amount I got last year. I'm the poster child for financial aid, two jobs, good grades, uses all the money awarded to me, and exhibits extreme need of financial help.
They did do one nice thing for me, they sent me a shovel which I can use to dig myself further into debt. So sweet.