Jan 24, 2007 01:47
So, now its time for what is right in my life.
Everything between the three of us has worked out. Ryan and I are just as good friends as we were before and during the times where it was the three of us. I'm now very much in love with Kris. I was a little upset with her but it was wrong for me to be. I don't pretend like she can't do wrong cause fuck, sometimes I want to rip her cute little head off and punt it through the sheetrock in my walls. I'm just as bad as she can be though. I love her regardless. While things aren't as awesome as they'd like to be between her and I, they're going well. Uncertain feelings on top of hundreds of miles of highway can be quite the test but I'm confident for the future. If we do marry, I don't see things like habits being as bad a problem as it seems for most people considering that I can change my ways on a whim if I really want to. She wanted me to start taking better care of myself so I've cut pizza and soda out of my diet and eating more veggie subs and such. Getting back into DDR. I was never really out of it, my play frequency did decline though. I can beat a reasonable amount of 9s on doubles now. V, Paranoia, Exotic Ethnic and stuff, having a hard time with Healing Vision Angelic Mix though. I'm happy that Danielle is happy with Anthony. I'll admit, I was pretty jealous for awhile but now I'm happy for them.
And thats about it, I wish everyone that reads this well and I hope that you're doing ok, even if we don't talk much anymore.