Ok, hey guys, here's another sketch dump post. And I think I'll just keep posting it here at my journal, so I don't have to keep rewriting journal entries. ^^;
LOL. Long story short, there was an AWESOME chat session with a bunch of people and taconaco and YES, we came up with a SHIT TON of Star Trek/Disney crossovers. And I HAVE MORE IN MY HEAD. XD
Scotty is the Genie and I figured, with his powers, he'd make SAMMICHES. YES. :3 Bones makes the perfect Abu. XD and YES, SPOCK IS ARIEL. I WENT THERE.
STILL WENT THERE. XD There's also a colored version, not done by me, but by SapphireOrb on deviantart
HERE. ^^ She did good, I think. Check it out.
STILL THERE. With Kirk as Belle and Bones as the Beast (i can't draw that face DX). These two are PERFECT for these roles. Though I think Uhura would work as well for Belle. Maybe I'll do an alternate one later. XD But YES. Kirk looks so GOOD in the dress. XD
Once again, there's a colored version by SapphireOrb
HERE. She fixed Bones Face. ^^; And sorry there aren't any legs on Beast!Bones. I forgot to draw them in. XD
1) This was based on a prompt from of the inspiration posts here. XD Granted it's not Kirk/Bones, but this particular one seemed more like it'd fit a het pairing, with the boots and shorts thing. So yeah, we have a topless Uhura. Cookin' Bones some food. ;D
2) I'm working on designs for the entire crew in the Mirror Universe. Here's the main four, though I'm probably gonna redraw Uhura. She's really bugging me. And Bones' coat....ARGH. Hard to draw. DX
3) Uh, random practice in sketching on the computer. I actually have some others that I think are better, but....yeah. I just forgot to put those in. ^^; I'm gettin' the hang of sketching directly on the comp. Whoo~ I'll post the messy sketch I did for Switch at the bottom. :D
4) MORE ST-DISNEY CRACK. XD These two fit THIS movie best I think. That and Treasure Planet. I'm SO gonna draw Jim, as Jim, on the solar surf board thingy. :D And Spock would make the BEST Dr. Doppler, and it's funny as SHIT picturing SPOCK, of all people, saying the "Darn it, Jim, I'm an astronomer, not a doctor. " bit. XD And Uhura would make the BEST Captain Amelia. ^^ Still not sure who'd be Silver, I'm kind of wavering between Pike and Bones. :/ What do ya'll think?
5) YAY!! My second fav OTP, Mirror Universe style. Though I think if Uhura stands up, she'll be rather tall. ^^; Oops. Oh well. Of course, the boots may help with that...*over thinks things*
6) MERKIRK. I read Land and Sea and FELL IN LOVE. D: OMG. Will draw more from that later on. :D
7) Have some history notes with you daily dose of Kirk/Bones. :P Lol, those notes are like...3 weeks old. XD But yeah. Style kind of inspired by the people of
Bonus) Empty spaces are filled with ME and stick figure Jim and Spock. And Bones' random hand with hypo, the undisputed third, or fourth, part of these two OT3s and 4. XD
And last, but not least, here's my messy and crappy sketch from the latest chapter of Switch. D: I LOVE THAT STORY. And it's sad that I'm just NOW drawing something from this fic. I need to reread it and draw some more stuff. AND make a KFF shirt...D;
I'll get the finished one up when I get done with it. It's only half way colored at the moment.
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