Jan 26, 2008 14:55
Suddenly (almost too suddenly) I find myself back in San Jose with school started once again.
The last part of my break was really great. And amazingly I stil didn't get drunk the wholebreak! (something I had to rectify when I got back up here rather quickly ^^; ) I went to Disneyland on monday with Dave and Checkers and had a really amazing time. And I met the infamous Bri-chan! but man is there some stories to tell there... ask me in person if you haven't heard about that little adventure yet XD lets see then I left Tuesday morning on a rather uneventful 6 hour drive back up to San Jose (which is good, way better than the horrible time i had going down last time)
About a hundered miles north of LA it started raining and its been dark and cloudly or rainy ever since then. This morning I actually saw the sun for the first time (however briefly) since I got here. It's so weird to spend a whole WINTER break in SoCal then come back up here afterwards and THEN feel the effects of winter. I'm so not used to this season thing.
School started wed. and my classes seem really good so far. New Classes...
Theater Arts 51A - This is a Class for building all the stage parts and props used in plays by the drama department this semester! I'm only taking it cause it's 1 hour a week for 1 unit and it's pretty kool actually. The class is interesting cause most everyone is an actor which means the way they talk to each other and about things is totally amusing! And the teacher is an old actor too so he has this really amazingly dramatic way to tell stories that really gets you into it, not to mention the stories are only slightly ever on topic!
Art 112A - This is the main drawing/illistration class I need to focus on this semester. First day of class we get this assignment to do a whole one page story comic inked and everything, no computers alowed, due begining of next class... good luck. Kind of amazing... so thats where a good portion of my free time has been going. Hopefully I don't get an assignment like this every weekend that would make going home increasingly difficult. The teacher is pretty kool, I've heard a lot of horror stories about him so I'm surpised with how nice he actually is, and LOVES going off on side stories (seems to be the semester for that!) I have a bunch of friends in that class too so it should be a great semester, I just have to be sure to keep up on the work. Speaking of that we have another Draw everyday assignment ... for this class but this time it's stepped up: one full page of illustrations each day, only requirement is to Draw from Life. Goddamn you don't know how hard it is to draw from life when it's pouring outside.
Art History 70C is The study of asian art. Appropriately we have this Old Chinese guy as our teacher, who following the pattern loves to tell stories, but he's much worse because of his accent it canbe quite hard to understand him sometimes. The class content seems easy enough though, it should focus on a hell of a lot less slide memorization. I just hope I can follow him in the lectures well enough.
Theater Arts 51B is The sister class to the one above, It's also one unit for one hour a week and it's the begining costuming class for the theater department. Unfortunately though it's really just a basic sewing course.... like the one I've done before. The teacher even really reminds me of the one I had at saddleback, kinda scary. At least though, it should be easy enough (good to have a class I know how everything works in, and I don't have to put much to any effort in trying to figure out.) The kool thing is the teacher has worked many positions in costuming related to many different theater and acting programs and has some really kool stories about how costumes work in the real world, it's so much like the next level of Cosplay! Cosplay for a living!
The other two classes I haven't had yet but...
Art 1 is the basic lecture class that every art student has to take it's really easy just go once a week to listen to a different type of artist talk about what he does and fill out a 3x5 card about what you think about it.
(not sure the number actually) My other class is a upper diivision History lecture class concerning the history of music. I'm kind a worried about this class still (as I haven't had it yet) but the teacher is suposebly pretty kool and the topic sounds really interesting to me as far as lecture classes go and if it really is that difficult I can take it for credit/no credit and not stress over the specifics of grades.
Once again drawing or doing something drawing related in pretty much all my free time. It's kind of interesting because I pretty much split my time between working on and refrencing what's required (my one page comic) and what I personally am working on ( finding a good place between disney/anime/realistic for my style personal to land) So I'm refrenceing V for Vendetta and Xmen comics for the school work half and watching disney movies and continueing drawing portraits of real people for my personal half. STUDY STUDY STUDY!
I'm almost certain I'll be coming back home next wekend to tie up some loose ends and do some things I forgot to do before I left or some things I've been meaning to do. The only thing preventing it at this point would be an insane 112A assignment at the end of next week... Also I'm rather worried about a coulple of my close friends right now (they know who they are) I want you to know my prayers are with you!