Dec 26, 2009 00:42

I just had the most amazing holiday (3 days at home to spend with the fams) and all around I have nothing I can complain about... I can't describe how thankful I am feeling lately, and with that comes a lot of thinking, and with that comes a lot of looking to the future, and with that comes a lot of plans. THIS is a blog (post) about plans.

Mine specifically. I think I mentioned before about how now everything seems to work out really well for me lately... well over these past three days I've realized I have nothing really I'm planning to do or nothing to work extra hard for or something extracurricular to keep me motivated all the time and skipping ahead... I have things I'd like to do sure. I'd like to visit Kevin once he gets to Japan, I'd like to go see Britain (it's calling), Australia, Go swim in New Zealand, Visit my buddy Dave over in Korea, see a Pyramid first hand, go hike through a Jungle, go on an African safari, countless places in Europe, marvel at art in France, even see Alaska! I woudn't even consider it a bucket list because it's all just ideas, no plans no real drive just plane want well... this break I've been thinking and literally minutes ago I started saving some money. This may not seem like a big thing to most of you (hopefully) but for me I've always kinda just floated along moneywise. I have an extra savings account that's been vacant for years. I'd spend minimally so that I could spend more later, I pick up random money and help from all sorts of places and you get by when you need to, but I want to be a Carl Fredrickson and have a Dream. I want to save so much money that it really feels like I've accomplished something when I do get to do that something... then I got to thinking well that's a giant step but... (like I mentioned before) I don't even really have a plan or something to save for, and just knowing myself I wouldn't be able to just save in general... no I need a goal something to sweat, fight, bleed, and cry for.

Well as of today I am saving to Backpack across Europe.

Okay not the most original Idea but It's something I really want to do... (EXPECIALLY since I met my girlfriend) and so there you have it one first class goal worth fighting for, note this is not a new years resolution (as I will talk about that hopefully in a soon coming blog post) manily because I don't forsee myself ever being able to pull this off within the next year. (though who knows!)  But yeah the current (slow as hell...) plan is to Save 15% of my already measily weak paychecks ever two weeks and that goes directly into savings... and that unfortunatley will be the bulk of it and thats all I really can do anyways because I barely scrape by during the semester as it is but this will just train me to be more thrifty and buy only what I really need. Plan two for anyone interested is I'm gonna start getting really serious about painting comissions real soon... I mean its come to my attention that I could do quite well painting on the side and that (besides restocking supplies as I use them) would be a almost completely profit and I'd up my painting and a lot of my other artistic skills at the same time... I mean that's how the old masters did it anywyas working a mission comissions for different peoples and churches... why not dan?

On a kind of side note it came to my attention today also that I want to start painting Dragons. Theres probably not too much market for that (I mean who has a couple hundred to put a giant dragon piece by me on their walls... you?) but I bet I could do some fantasticly kool dragon paintings and I've never even tried before so I'm going to do that in the future for sure... all that and just based on the fact it seems like it would be a TON of fun! :D

The other thing about the goal.. Backpacking Europe, Is I don't have plans yet for it (obviously I just decided moments before!) besides going with my Girl but just an FYI I am going to set this up as an open invitation to anyone else who wants to join us start saving now and we'll go someday, sounds like fun doesn't it?

Anyways I should have gone to sleep seeing as I have to get up SUPER early tomorrow to fly back to SJ, where in my lonelyness I'll have nothing to focus on but my current art commisson and my retail job... but this seemed like it needed to be done in the moment so here ya go.... never put off for tomorrow what you can do today as they say. I may be able to get less sleep now but I can sleep on the comfort of having a dream.

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