Nov 16, 2008 02:48
been a while eh? just been busy as freak.
sheez I think these color comps are really going to be the death of me... It's not hard that hard, 4x4inches of different color schemes 16 times over and I have most of them done already but man I'm so freaking sick of them right now. Just gotta keep chugging on... The end is near...
Yesterday we had a new model a the figure drawing session and I gotta say I think I am in love. It's kinda funny actually how the ideal things you look for in a figure drawing model differ from your usual tastes in the opposite sex. This model was amazing she had great poses and some extra weight on her figure (which she knew how to shift around!) and to top it off she was really nice too, on a break I talked to her and she was way kool. The best part? I totally sucked ass at drawing her... all this great potential wasted due to my lack of drawing skills... like screw using the porfolio as incentive it's sad how much more I want to become a better artist just so I can correctly draw HER! haha Like all the rennaisance artists had their favorite models they would hire to exclusively paint right? why not the same in modern times? Like seriously... she might never come back to this school :( but hey the fantasy was fun while it lasted. xD (man 3am blogs get weird when you're really sleep deprived.) But I will continually work hard for the next aweome model I randomly get a chance to draw!
man I'm weird.
figure drawing