Aug 20, 2008 09:54
So as Promised let's do a vacation review before I block it out of my memory completely... though I realize that the last few posts have been like a lot of pissing moaning and bitching, and believe it or not I try not to be like that so lets do something different and try and say something good about each place I went (as hard as that might be?!) Also I realize against my approval my parents did spend a shitload of money on this trip and I did get to see/do a lot of stuff that other people I know havent ever experienced before so lets be positive, yeah?
New Orleans is kool! There's something awesome about how every building you step inside is playing Jazz music, and I actually had the awesome opportunity to visit an real (off the map) authentic jazz house/blues club which was pretty much transplanted directly from another era, such a sweet experience. Also the above-ground Graveyards interest and excite me like no other for some reason there's something really amazing about them!
Mississippi/Alabama are... uh... well... hmm... something good? uh...well as much as I really don't understand the south or southern people there's something about a really cute girl with a sweet southern accent, for some reason that like blows my mind. It's EXTREMELY cute!
The cruise, was kool just really not my type of thing but I could totally see how this sort of thing would be much better with some close friends or a significant other. Also the first day and the last day they played Iron Man on the television repeatedly like every 3 hours so I watched a good chunk of it about 5 times haha (and I was like "so this is why Raeko-chan liked the cruise so much!" haha jk!) The ship also had a very interesting Art Gallery on board and some Art related events on board (nothing makes you feel more poor than an art auction!) which were fun and actually sparked my interest. ALSO to be talked about in a future blog but I was informed of and got to see a very intersting piece of art history that I think most people don't know about but most of my class mates up north would be as interested in as I was about this little know project (ooh secretive!) And I got a good amount of time to draw like most of the trip which is awesome for me!
Mexico? besides the amazing from-the-source mexican food Iguanas run WILD! ...what's not to like about that?
So yeah most of the place I went and stuff I did wasn't actually all that bad and even the shitty stuff I got forced into through my families stupid ideas I made the most as well as I could even if it was just being unneccisarily loud and making jokes about just about everything.