Welcome back for "American Manga equals CRAP" part 2--If you haven't read part one I would highly suggest you do so before reading, thank you:
The image above is one of the covers to the American manga/webcomic "Aoi House" written by Adam Arnold, with art by Shiei, and published by Seven Seas Entertainment.
http://www.gomanga.com/webmanga/index.php?series=aoi The story to Aoi House is pretty simple, basically two male Anime fans who get kicked out of their dorm room and find themselves rooming with five Yaoi Fangirls (Hints the name "Aoi" short for "Yaoi"--a bit of a joke due to the Y on the door falling off) where their "Normal" college life isn't so normal anymore and they have a bunch of crazy anime/Yaoi-themed adventures while trying to (literally) watch their asses.
Never having heard of this story before, regardless of it's "Love Hina" feel, I thought it would be something I would at least be able to get a good kick out of. Being an Anime Nerd myself and in the mood for a little excitement (before even realizing it was a webcomic) I bought the first volume "Omnibus Collection" part one and read it on my way back from Denver to Eugene when flying in after seeing my boyfriend.
I was never expecting a very serious story and especially after seeing other American series published into the market I was certainly was not expecting a masterpiece. While the art was never what I'd consider original, by any means, I was happy to see it was decent, proportioned and to say the least, solid.
All that being said, I am STILL AMAZED at how BAD this story is:
My first issue was the characters. Let's start with our two main heros:
Alexis "Alex" Roberts and Sandy Grayson. (if we must recap the two who are now rooming with the Yaoi crazed girls)
Alex is a pretty guy who as explained by the author, and I quote: "Alex is an everyman. Not Gym crazy but quasi-athletic." (his words, not mine) "He's the clean cut regular guy type"--with "bishonen" looks. (AKA for no imagination went into him, a simple character was needed) "He is a one part regular guy type and one part Otaku guy type" ( Don't even get me started on how many things are wrong with THAT statement.)
Then we have Sandy,(ironically the fat one) and I quote: "Sandy is the absolute epitome of an Obsessed Otaku." ( Isn't using the word "Otaku" already implying his "obsession"?--and I'll say he is, he's fat, has bad glasses and looks like he got hit by a truck--thanks a lot.) He's also apparently "pale skinned, sunburns easily easily" but it is still noted that he "Does enjoy the beach (because of the girls)" And he even has a pet Hamster nicknamed the "Panty Hamster".....yeah, exactly. I think we can all just let it out: Wow.
So...what is my problem...? I'll tell you what my problem is!:
These two characters alone are the most uncreative, stereotyped characters I've ever seen. I can honestly say in just reading their character bios alone that this "Adam" guy wasn't even TRYING when he thought these two up. These two are the MAIN characters! I swear, talking to these two is probably just as fun as watching paint dry or talking to a piece of cardboard.
Well that's fine, right? I mean, as shown from popular shows like Naruto, it's always the side characters that are good and creative, yes? Hahaha...no.
The five Yaoi fangirls who they share their dorm room with are every single over-used character type ever created!(and I am not making this up):
-The bitchy leader girl with a secret soft side
-The semi-lesbian tough chick
-The shy girl with huge boobs
Add "the Mascot" and "The cool guy" and "His fat nerd friend" to the list and we've got a full set. Oh but wait...look at that, we do! You know what that tells me?
This tells me that this comic is nothing more then some shits and giggles for some wannabe Manga artist who is too busy jerking off while watching things like Love Hina and Happy Lesson to be able to create characters that are least slightly original to the point where you don't get pissed off anime fans having to write and complain about it on their livejournals!
A boring (over-used) plot makes for a boring comic. The story literally goes nowhere.
Now as stated above, I was not excepting this comic to be incredible I was expecting some good laughs and maybe some funny references here and there from some of the older and more classic of series and I guess to be fair, they have me at least half of what I wanted. They had jokes and references which was fine, but I can imagine that if you don't know the series, it's just boring.
Unfortunately,the jokes are repetitive and get old, FAST. From literally the page you get introduced to the main cast it's a never ending tirade of "pantie" and "Yaoi" jokes (We get the girls like Yaoi, give it a REST! ) that are not only stupid but an over dramatized stereotype of what a Narutard looks like minus the Naruto.
There is this ongoing theme in Aoi House it seems of stereotypes and lets see how stupid we can make this character/stereotype look. It's just not funny.
And to be honest, being a anime/yaoi fan myself I am deeply insulted by this comic. ( probably one of the big things that makes me hate it so much) Sometimes joking around with a stereotype is fun and if done right can make a great series. ( Take Genshiken for example )
Just because you're into Anime does not mean you play DDR and live off of boxes of Ramune. It also does not mean you're fat and are a total fucking loser and eat candy all day long.
And just because you're into Yaoi does not mean you make stupid rules about any guys in your dorm must always take a shower with another man, it does not mean you become a mindless pussy-wooped slave when you see a pretty guy!
I realize this comic is suppose to be funny, but you know what? It's not. It's immature, stupid and a waste of space. It seriously never ends with this series. It's like every time you sit there being like: "It can't get any worse" it proves you wrong and adds in just one more joke in there that makes you wanna piss yourself out of frustration. This series is not only an insult to Manga/Yaoi fans-alike but it's also an insult to the comic book industry.
Knowing that Aoi House was a webcomic made me feel a little bit better about this series. As most people who read webcomics on a regular basis knows, for everyone one webcomic there is at least 50 if not 100 bad ones. So as far as art goes (at the very least) Aoi House is not the worst thing in the on going webcomic library.
Having known that I relaxed for a second and you know, understood and didn't think it was too bad. But then I thought: "Wait a minute, this is a disaster!"
What the hell was Seven Seas Entertainment THINKING when they published this thing?!?!?!
Tokyopop with its rising Stars of Manga contest as least didn't have a choice, they HAD to pick the BEST ones that were submitted ( which for many, I would hate to see what some of those books won against) but for Seven Seas they have NO excuse, none. I mean, I can't even laugh about it. It's like, of ALL the webcomics out there that were good enough to actually publish and make a contract with they picked Aoi House.....? Are you KIDDING me?!
This webcomic had every flaw imaginable when it comes to making a comic. Bad characters, poor plot and it not only got published but it has an ACTUAL fanbase? Now that's what really kills me. I looked up reviews on this stupid thing and they were GOOD. How? I don't get it. This thing was like a never ending waterfall of a three day diarrhea problem where your insides feel like they're being burned off you one hunk of guts at a time! I'm not even trying to be funny, it's terrible.
This comic is a terrible and in general a huge disappointment. I HONESTLY cannot believe how BAD it is!
If this kind of book is released by a manga fan ABOUT manga fans then what is the world coming to? The reason us Manga fans are stereotyped and have such a negative rap about us is because of filth like this. And it's not just a rap against the fans themselves but crap like this also give the people who actually would like to be taken seriously in the manga/comic book industry a bad time.
The thing I find even funnier, after going on his site and reading some of the forums I read his comments and whatever at the bottom of the each page of the comic and this guy is hilarious cause he takes himself SO seriously. It's like, how? You not only gave yourself but every manga/yaoi fan EVER a horrible rep, your jokes aren't funny and to top it all off, the only reassuring thing to know about your comic is that if something THAT crappy can get published just about anything can.
Aoi House is an insulting, boring, over-used themed story for very little in between. My review on this manga today was to show everyone exactly what I'm talking about as far as crap American Manga coming into our bookstores. Give us some variety, have some respect for yourself and for your fellow fans and for gods sake make something someone would actually want to read.
So, My final thoughts are:
Aoi House is nothing more then a huge (bad) joke and not worth wasting any more of your time on. It sucks.
Don't read it.