(no subject)

May 29, 2007 03:52

Fundies Say The Darndest Things is ruining my sleep schedule.

I think this one is my favorite:

"if we evolved...why don't we eveolve today? IN PUBLIC...why (if u still believe in the sasquach) must we do it in private, away form scientist that can record it? and don't tell me "because we are perfectly adapt and no longer need 2 evolve" because, if we came from monkey's, why don't they evolve since thier not perfectly adapt? scientist have been watching and waiting 2 c if thier lab animals will evolve rite b4 thier eyes 4 centuries and what have they got? NOTHING!!"

There's both a masturbation joke and a Pokemon joke in there somewhere, but I think it's time for me to go to bed.
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