wtb code geass queen 2/code geass music box/cras sola postcards + clear files

Oct 14, 2013 12:05

Hi, all!

I am trying to get the second volume of Code Geass Queen in English. I am looking to pay around $5 shipped. I know I have a copy around my house somewhere, but I can't find it. >.< Anyway, I am trying to get another copy in, preferably Like New condition so I have a copy to read while I try to find my other one...

I have all the manga, novels, and DVDs, but if you have other Code Geass items, I might be interested in purchasing them, too, to help make the shipping and cost of Queen 2 more worth your time. I give warning: I am picky, so please do not be offended if I don't want anything else you might have to sell...

If you have Code Geass postcards or clear files by Cras Sola, or the music box here:

I would be most inclined to buy them, as I am looking for them for reasonable costs.

I have items to trade, if you would prefer to do that. A list of things I have is here:


Thank you!!

code geass queen/music book/postcards/cl

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