Valerie joins Facebook & Updates Resume, James's New Job, Gas Scare, MB

Sep 26, 2008 00:34

Facebook is by far the most powerful personal page engine I've yet had the pleasure of using. This includes my usage of Myspace, which turned out to be relatively useless, with a few exceptions. Too damn much spam and users attempting to show off (often with sexual implications).
Facebook has provided me with LOCAL people who are easily found, and most of whom have found me through the "network" association feature between friends. Basically if you want to see all my personal online haunts, they're collected on one page, _there_. FINALLY. o_o;
There are several other FAB features, but they're far more fun to discover (for HOURS @_@;...!) on your own.
Valerie M. Miranda's Facebook profile

Tonight James & mom, angels that they are, helped me update and simplify my resume. It feels more clear, concise, and direct to the point. I'll be even happier if it manages to land me a good job. I do feel more confident about it now, though. What do you think? Comments? Critiques? Suggestions?

02-12-2007- Before:

09-25-2008- After:

James got a new job at Pitney Bowes, a national mail-sorting machine company. The previous was Express Presort, of which he's been fiercely bitter about for about a year now, started April 2007. There's been a lot of drama politics, being lied to & screwed over about several things by Eric (his phenominally wealthy, penny-pinching boss) and being screamed at (bonus obscenities!) by Stacey, asst manager, who is under massive amounts of stress. In a nutshell, anyway.

Old Job: 8.50, promised Full-Time status based on performance over time. Still Part-Time. Same wages, no possible room for advancement. Small startup business, all but dead (everyone wants to leave*!!*).
New Job: 10.50, Full-Time + Benefits, Continuous opportunities for advancement, National business.

I'd say that's right cozy. While it's only about 150.00 extra a month, every little bit helps, and I'll be glad for his peace of mind in leaving that garbage heap behind. At the very least, I believe it was a good experience despite things, to build him up to be a stronger, more resilient person.
In the meantime, I'm still searching, we're still in debt (tax returns are my hero!!), but holding on and still more in love now than ever. We've been a great team this past week. Something, some switch turned on last Sunday. He's been looking towards finding inner-peace through spiritualism and seeking God's help. He's sweet enough to ask if it bothers me, but if it helps him feel better, I'm all for it. I'm more than happy to support him, whether I'm as strong in simular belief systems or not. I guess that's always been a grey area for me. In any case, through anything, I feel very blessed to have his love and continued patience and understanding at my side. :) You couldn't meet a sweeter, squeaky, "smiling oddling". I appreciate that while we have our childlike moments of whimsy and silliness, he is the man I need him to be when it is most important. Even before being my lover, he is my most treasured friend. So many things to say here... *thoughtful nostalgia*..

Today there was a massive line wrapping around the block (Idelwild & Electra, near Independence) @ the Shell Station on Idelwild rd by my parents' house about 10:00AM-11:00AM or so. At first I thought it was just a later morning run of people caught in _traffic_ on their way to the daily _work_ commute, but WOW! It wasn't, it was ALL about the GAS! It ran _that_ far down! What in the world is this country coming to?? I read a comment on the NBC website from a user who said they believed the oil companies were simply holding out on us just so that we'd all freak out and run to the pumps when we believe there won't be any left to sustain our needs. SOMETHING is amiss. It can't be mere coincidence that Texas has a major shortage somehow, and then not but a few days after, there's a PIPE break in North Carolina!! Obviously need to get more concrete details here. But wow. Conspiracy of some variety? I think so. And I'm not one to jump on stupid, wild, or hair-brained assumptions. At some point, SOMETHING'S gotta give. The financial state of the US as a whole is getting really scary, as well as those running it. Obama can't get in there quick enough. I have to agree with Chris Rock, featured on Larry King: "Obama is the closest thing we have to a normal citizen to count on through all this".

Tomorrow morning @ 10:00AM I have to be a Grim Reaper for Monkey Business Singing Telegrams. To Kevin Baker of Time Warner Cable, Charlotte, North Carolina- turning 50, from his sister SueAnn in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
*wrinkles nose* I've always hated the whole "Over the Hill" death, black, and gloom garbage thrown at people when they get older after 40. Not my thing, but so long as it pays, I'll keep doing whatever they ask. Mom, again, is my hero. She'll graciously be taking me last-minute, with the understanding I'll grant her $10.00 in gas for the 20-25min trip there. It's $25/per gig.
Guess I'd better get home.

gas scare, monkey business, james, job, resume, facebook, mb

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