whoo, new update, el-oh-el!! :0

Jun 15, 2006 09:01

Doo-do-doo... I'm happeh! x3. Annnd, why am I happy, you ask? (Well, you're probably not asking yourself that, but I'm going to tell you that... under the cut!!! :0 Duh-duh-duhhhhn!)

•Summer vacation is here!! *squees and twirls around* I'm sad though, because I made a friend over the course of a year by talking to him on the bus, and I wanted to give him the link to the forum that I'm inviting my friends to [if you want, I might be able to give you peoples the link, too] but he wasn't on the buuuus.... it made me sad. D:... oh well, shit happens. I can always talk to him next school year. So, happeh summer vay-kay everyone!! x3
•I have a yummeh lunch! (Yes, that makes me happy.) It's potstickers and rice and puddddding (I've been craving pudding for awhile, god-knows-why) and cucumbers. :0 I like cucumbers. And lurve potstickers! (It seems when I'm crazed, I revert to chatspeakness. *le sigh* I'm sorry, Hannah.)
•I get to go to a partay this Friday!! Whee~! :D Wait, yah, that's tomorrow... gad, I've only been a couple days into the vaykay and already I'm losing track of time. xD

Whee~! I'm also sad though; most of my eljay friends seem not to want to talk to me anymore. *le sigh*. It makes me think of slimfast... oh well... *hugz days_of_yore and lynnchan and sighs* *tear*

Oh well... I'll get over it eventually.

ON TO OTHER NEWS!!! (WEhehee~!)
I'm very emotionallll xD.... when I was watchin' the seanson finale of Doctor Who last Friday, I cried three times D:. One where Rose leaves Earth (coz it makes her boyfriend sad and her boyfriend is so *sweet*), and then when they killed Jack, and I didn't even *like* Jack that much... and then when the old Doctor went all explodey. D: Ah well, I like David Tennant anyways. I'm sure I'll be able to get used to him :3 *nods*. I think I was just getting hysterical because it was late and I was tired, and when I'm tired and see something emotional I get all hysterical... and I was watching some angsty Stargate: Atlantis eppys. *headdesk* OW! Never do that when you've banged your head against the cupboard while searching for the pudding in the grocery bags. D: *prods the bump on my head*

Ah, yes!! I have ANOTHER obsession! :D Stargate: Atlantis!! *glomps Rodney and squees* (Oooo, Soul Meets Body!! *squees* I loff this song so much!! Eee, Death Cab = <3... ANYways...) Yesh, 'tis awesome. Only the first season is out on DVD, tho. So... the season finale has the CLIFFHANGER OF ALL CLIFFHANGERS and I was all "LDKAFJLDASFKJGRARGHHOWDARETHEY!!!! D:<" when I saw the dreaded "To be continued" screen EVEN THOUGH I KNEW HOW IT WAS GOING TO TURN OUT... well not really, but I kinda doooo.
Now I'm watchin' the old Stargate movie (even though I'm only around four minutes in, but the Daniel in here is so adorableee, even though I like the Daniel in the TV show tooo.) and then when I'm done that, I'm gonna watch the Stargate SG-1 season 1. Coz that's all we have of that, too... and then I think I'm going to watch the 10th Kingdom. :) If you haven't watched that, you should. 'Tis AWESOME!! I loff Wolf.

Ooo, and my parents bought some camera phones and a digital camera! Eeee, one of the phones is *almost* mine, and I'm constantly taking pictures with it. (But then I have to delete most of them, soo...) But it's so FUN! I love taking pictures x3. If only they let me touch the digital camera...

Doo doo doo, SUGAR! :D Whelp, that's all I can think of to say right nowww, so see you peeps soon! :D

ST00PID ADS!!! D: When I upgraded, me, being stupid, didn't realize that ADS were part of the bargain. Go awaaaaay *smacks the ads with the ugly stick*!! D: Now it makes me feel like my eljay is ruined.
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