Though I kind of miss it and feel bad for just sort of...leaving?
I dunno, I'm not really one of those people who can just TALK and like have stuff to say? I usually just speak when spoken to and mostly keep to myself so online journals have always always been a little odd for me, even when I still really used them a lot.
Also I absolutely despise my username, but I am not willing to pay money to change it....
But enough complaining, I guess I can update with what I've been doing with my life.
I've transferred from the Fine Art programme at my college into the Visual Arts programme at Emily Carr university last September. I'm focusing on Illustration and so far it's actually been a lot of fun for the most part! I mean there's that general pretentious art school attitude that needs to be navigated around in the academic courses that include students from all majors, but the actual illustration studio classes have been great (albeit quite competitive)!
Though unfortunately when I transferred, some credits did not, so I'm taking summer courses to catch up on everything instead of working like I had hoped. I did one online course in the first half of the summer which was labeled as a Humanities course...but it was basically just an English course where we had to read a couple of assigned novels and make weekly forum posts about them. :P
But right now I am actually taking a VERY useful class at school that is specifically for illustration students. It's basically just teaching us useful and necessary things to just GET OUR SELVES OUT INTO THE WORLD. It's great because we've had to design business cards and order them (waiting for mine to arrive), the teacher is showing us how to put together a professional portfolio, we've started up
websites (though we haven't done anything with them quite yet). Right now we're working on "postcard mailers", which is basically a postcard with a good example of our art on the front that we can mail to potential employers. IT'S AMAZING because these are all things I had on a sort of mental "to-do" list but was probably not going to get around to doing for a while anyways.
But.......I am also taking another online course.....on contemporary art....I am in fact retaking this course this because my mark from college WAS TOO LOW TO TRANSFER....hahahahahahahahaahahahhahahahahaha
Wow I hate contemporary art.
Luckily one of my friends who is in a similar boat as me is also taking the class so we are helping each other out (by helping out I mean spend as little time as we possible can to finish the assignment and then watch Doctor Who for the rest of the evening). Today we got together and did the online mid term test/quiz.
I will leave this one multiple choice question we had, with the apparent correct answer selected, for you to deeply contemplate:
And with that! Goodnight...until next time I decide to post....which I hope is sooner than later....ohmygodiamsosorryaaahhhh