Forty questions in ten minutes?!

Dec 18, 2007 22:55

I don't know why, but I don't feel like blogging much these days. There's part of me that just doesn't want to tell the world what I'm thinking and how I'm feeling. Not that I feel at all bad, I'm actually pretty happy, but there have been times when I've felt melancholy, times when I've thought it might help to put my troubles into words. Usually I write it all down, then read through it, then decide it would be better not to post it. It's not that I'm worried about what others think, I'm just a bit fed up with some of the responses I've had to my posts, and I'm not just talking about comments left on LiveJournal.

My journal: Here are my worries. Blah blah blah.

Someone's response: You should forget your stupid little worries because they're nothing compared to mine! My worries are superior to yours, thus yours are completely irrelevant. Now, don't you feel much better? :)

Oh, thank you, great oracle of enlightenment! My worries have completely vanished! I realise now that I have no right to worry about anything because someone else will always have more worries than me!

Seriously though, making me feel like my worries are irrelevant won't make me feel better, nor will telling me about your own dire misfortunes in an attempt to make me feel better. Both will only make me feel worse.
Also, in case anyone is wondering, this rant isn't aimed at anyone in particular, it's just something that perhaps people should keep in mind when listening to others' worries and problems.

Anyway, with that short rant out of the way, it's nearly Christmas. I've been looking forward to Christmas for a while now, and I'm enjoying the time off. I've done nothing this week so far, and it actually feels good to do nothing once in a while.
Job-hunting has been progressing nicely. I'm at the final assessment stages for both of the companies I've applied to so far. One is confirmed for January and I'm still waiting to hear about the other. I'm surprised I've made it this far so quickly considering these are only the first two companies I've applied to. I may well apply for more, but the two companies I've applied to already are the two I'd most like to work for, so I'm trying to focus on those.

Anyway, have a good Christmas, folks.
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