RED means he probably won't fuck up your shit.
BLUE means he probably wouldn't mind you dead.
NO COLOR means he's entirely apathetic about you lololol.
PINK means you're a hot chick, a fuzzy animal, or SOMEHOW BOTH that's creepy STOP IIIIT.
Holly Summers - Sixth ranked in the UAA; Travis was incapable of killing her then and probably still can't. She's hot, smart, and he takes her seriously. He pretty much has a giantass crush on her that he doesn't know what to do with since his only "serious" relationship in the past was with JEANE of all people and he kinda wanted to fuck Silvia, too, so how the fuck do you handle someone like Holly lololol.
River Tam - Pretty girl, a little loopy, but she's smart to boot. Travis has checked her out a few times and flirts shamelessly, but honestly he cares in that skewed up brotherly way that he has no idea how to do, but he does know he's gonna keep an eye on her. Obscurely, he has a fear that she could end up like Jeane, and Travis don't want none of that shit.
Simon Tam - At first, Travis was kind of annoyed at how stupidly pretty the doctor is. FUCK YOU, TAM. SRSLY. ALL YOU TAMS AND YOUR PRETTY. But, he seems like an okay guy and a decent older brother to River. It's Travis's person objective to watch the Tams and make sure they don't get fucked over too much by Discedo.
Demyx - Cool guy with a rockstar motif. He likes Christmas, therefore is immediately the coolest man ever for Travis. Travis has agreed to kick the shit out of Xemnas if he ever pops up, JUST FOR DEMYX.
Miles Edgeworth - Kind of a douche.
Walter Sullivan - Real fucking pissed that he killed Holly. Would like nothing more than to maim him, but kind of pointless with the whole "dead people come back" thing, plus the whole "Walter somehow has a gazillion friends who want to coddle him". Fuck.
Princess Peach - Cute and kind. She is full of moe.
Torn - A fucking elf that owes Travis a pony for Christmas.
Kadaj - A mama's boy that Travis banters with. Would like a duel one day. Yes maybe?
Reno - Complete fun to torment. Travis was kind of pissed that he died, but Travis isn't gonna tell him that.
Bulma - A total hottie with brains. Flattering her is way too much fun.
Ty Lee - Adorable, a fighter, and perky. Hell yes please.
Bad Girl - She seems to be under the impression that she didn't die. Travis doesn't care, but she and some others seem to be making a "Let's Kill Travis Touchdown" brigade. Kinda not okay.
Henry - An Irish motherfucker that's apparently Travis's twin brother and Silvia's husband. Wants to kill Travis. WHO THE FUCK KNOWS WHY. Travis can't stand him, but honestly would rather avoid confrontation with him and/or Jeane at this point in time.
Jeane - Once was Travis's girlfriend back in the day. Turns out they're half-siblings and she killed his parents. Kinda puts a damper on the relationship thing. Travis feels a lot of torment about her and mixed feelings -- and would rather avoid another confrontation with her. He's already killed her once and has little desire to do it again. Deep down, he still kind of cares about her, but would rather never admit to it.
Helter Skelter - Some FUCKER that Travis killed during the crappy game trailer and in the game's prologue/montage. Pretty butthurt that Travis won their fight and wants to kill Travis. Travis doesn't mind killing him again if he has to.
Ness - Good kid. Too noble, though.