Aug 11, 2008 22:34
yale, fuck, g-g-game, art, 6, latin, piss, au, e, p, hello, chocolate, wonder, misa misa, cherries, r, sgnkes, anyone, stylus, making, shit, all, lol, baaaalllllssss, gurren, gummi bears, dispenser, is, z, light, you like meeeeeeen, game, lighto, xoxo, s, sgjknejs, now, auuuuuuuugh, ryohei, u, spanish, 8, lightbulb, hey, w, 2, psycho mantis, find, raito, you lost it, bears, bleach, lid, yamamoto, tags, sgknegknsgks, it's so gross, meaning, mgs, gay for, kiss, 4, cake, getting, grrrr, j, ok, prince of tennis, you just lost the game, skgnoanjkans, gold, pencil, alligators, fandoms, rug, lagann, sjkgnes, um, computer, ag, to, alphabetize, them, h, whambulance, pain, sjkgneknsgs, oil, d, ryuuku, these, x, extreme, death note, whatever, listing, gray fox, just, 7, if, 9, ff7, v, ribcage, painting, soap, korean, why did i even invent piss anyway, hug, up, burimyu, balls, memes, dammit, original, i, coccyx, curtain, type, look, ksngeoigniuengjs, big boss, beads, uh, #jtiu#egtnungsnjeg, k, skjgnejks, y, laptop, b, m, annoying, q, 1, f, o, 5, tenimyu, 3, the, battle royale, paint, auugh, rickroll, s3, frank jaeger, (#jtnkjsengs, teddy bear, statement, first squad, a, fuckyes, this, near, t, skjgneksjngsknsgks, god, so, wrestling, damn, skgnekngks, n, carpet, solidus, harro, c, going, skjgneks, g, tape, hyde, khr, keysmash tiemz, kh, candy, l, lip, moar, of, crocodiles, could, ryuk, hmm