
It's Time....for an update

May 30, 2007 14:05

Wow...haven't been in OKC for ages...

I am working out of Cedar Rapids currently, but, I am hardly ever there. I travel alot...and I love it.

I am in Tucson currenlty, waiting for a flight to Phoenix, and then later on to Oklahoma City for the night. I will drive the good ole jeep back to IOWA and the probably back to Tucson in early June to work on an airplane here.

Here is Tucson airport...thats my gate way down there. I am one of those guys who scour the terminal for spare AC plug in's for my digital appliances.... So...yea, I am in gate 7 waiting for my flght in gate 11...

Have fun in our nuclear sancdox...share your toys kids...

Dave T

tucson airport

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