Apr 08, 2005 15:16
ok well i had a goooood day today!!! not to metnion i slept so damn good last nite considering i havent slept good all week. last nite i was at the opening nite for the Grease play at the auditorium in the high sckool. i went with dan,kyle,katherine,shannon,and seng.it was fun. kyle spilled popcorn!!!! lol
1st hour-watched channel one. then we had to do our vocab warm up. then we had a quiz that i totally aced!!!then mrs keusch had us take notes but she did it together with all of us. then we had a directed reading but only had to do 9 questions. it was good.
2nd hour-it was assignment ketchup day.so we just all hung out. me n kyle were playin mavis bacon(ha ha jordan)on our computers. then we went to this one website and played this drivers ed game and tried to get our license. kyle was gettin sooo frustrated cuz he couldnt get his license. it was sooo funny!! i got my license twice i think.but it was fun.
3rd hour-we had to do this stupid worksheet.
4th hour-had a free day but i did really wanna play soccer. oo well we will be playing it monday.hoopefully we will be able to go outside and play.so me n amber just messed around w/ the volleyballs and talked the whole time. ms strong was being a b*tch and told me and amber to stop sitting on the bleachers so i yelled at her and said i was tieing my shoe...pshhh i shut that bitch up quick!
Lunch-i hate lunch. it was realllly good. and i got to see my babbyyyY!!!
5th hour-we had to present our family group project thingies. so me sean kenny and lamar presented ours second.i had fun but sean was pissing me off...ha ha whats new.
6th hour-we did pg 247-248 i think in our books. we had to do #s 9-26. it was quite easy but i needed help and mrs turner made me add up this stuff and when i was adding it up she walked away. kenny was like alex she just left u. and im like i kno wtf. oo well she came back and helped me. then when i got done it was almost time to leave so she handed out our report cards. i got good grades NOOOO Ds!!!!!!! lol. my mommy is proud of me. tee hee. im proud of myself.
After sckool-brittany wanted me to go to the bathroom w/ her cuz shes afraid to go in the sckool bathrooms by herself. lol.it is a lil scary.then i dropped off my stuff to my moms car and she said i could walk w/ kyle and brittany.so we walked brittany half way to her house. then as me n kyle were walkin some asshole thru a penny at me out his car window. ha ha real cute fucker!then kyle walked me half way home and we had a big conversation.lol. well thats all.my grammys here doin her laundry cuz her washer took a shit.so thats all for now. we gotta get charlotte from the vet at about 4:30 or 5. byee!!
I <3333 dan sooo fuckin much he makes me smile in sooo many ways!! i love every feature about him there is nothin about him that i would ever ever change!! hes my fucking world!!!! I <3 U DAN!!!!