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Apr 06, 2005 07:08

Hey u guys.im still like half asleep.lol. heres what i did so far this week..

Sunday-hung out around the house for a lil and then daniel came over. we played uno. then my parents had to run to my dads work so me n dan were home alone. tee hee nothing special u guys w/ ur dirty minds.lol.then we hung out and then he went home and i went to sleep after a while.but i barely got any sleep at all.

Monday-Monday dan had a baseball game and it was away so i had amber come over. we then went to kyles house for a lil. then we walked to rainbow. we went on the swings and amber was yellin a bunch of shit. the lil latch key kids could hear her i think.lol.then on our way back we ran into mikey. we came back to my house to check in. then we went to go walk around some more. we all took turns on mikes bike.lol.then we had to take amber home so we did that and mike went home. kyle came along for the ride then he came back over for a little bit. then he went and i went to sleep. but i didnt get much sleep either.

Tuesday-Yesterday sara wanted to hang out so she came over. then we went to kyles and we were just walkin around. then we ran into kyle and saras friend alyssa and her friend erin. they were kool. they were tellin us about allll the whorish ppl in our sckool. and some of them r fricken 6th and 7th graders...WTF! well anywho after that we went back to my house and chilled for a bit. then kyle had to go home so we walked him home. then sara had to go home.But later that evening i was gettin in the shower when my mom said jordan bruce was here.i was like IS SHE REALLY!!! yea her and elaine stopped by for a visit. so we talked for a bit and then we went to kyles. we woke him up tho. lol. then we went walking for a lil bit. then i called my danile cuz i really really missed him. i <3 him sooo much u guys!!!! then after that i went home. i called dan. and then we talked for a while and then i went to bed. but i still didnt get a lot of sleep.

Well thats all u guys...CHOW!

I <3333 Dan sooooo fricken much it brings tears to my eyes how much i fricken love him! i swear to god im gonna marry that boy when i get older!!!!
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