Well today was basically awesome. I woke up early for once in my life because I now drive alayna to school so I actually got a good parking spot, ANDD enough time to get a bagel. Yes life doesn’t get much better. Anyways… after school I was waiting for alayna.. jamming to country, we go to her house, and I see a coldstone flyer on her fridge.. so of courseee we had to go get some. Oh man it was good. And we took about a million pics of us in her house, but scott wouldn’t take one with me, he said he looked too bad, I’ll get him next time. So that was basically awesome. Thenn I came home, curled my hair, and went for my coldstone interview. I got the job J butt due to my stupid vball schedule, I won’t start working till summer, but that’s fine by me, I finally got a job. Hell yes. Then I went to get my mom a purse, and dominic came with me, I actually let him drive home… amazing I know. We went over Steve B’s house and I basically dominated them in bball… haha. Riggght. I got killed. Steve swatted me and threw me to the ground. It hurt so bad. I think I got like 2 points the whole time…. Then I came home and here I am. Enjoy the pictures, theyre quite cute :*