Mar 09, 2005 07:51
Well, all I have to say is... BATTLE ROYALE IS F*CKING AWESOME!!!!! It is officially my favorite book, and I'm only on page 100 or so. Let's see... who would I shoot first? (Question borrowed from buttered_cow [] without permission... eheh? Sorry dude/dudette) Well, you see, there's this one girl in my school named Leigha. (last name omitted for safety reasons... lets replace it 'The-Bitch') Leigha The-Bitch is a perky, happy, cheerful, know-it-all, can't-have-an-opinion-around-her-unless-it's-exactly-the-same-as-hers type of girl. The other day (yesterday) I was commenting on how American Eagle clothes are for sluts and crack whores (possibly high-class prostitutes as well) and she said 'That is so not true, 'cause I get like all of my clothes from there and I'm not a slut.' So I turned to her and said, "Was I talking to you Leigha? No, I wasn't. I was talking to ELIZABETH. You are not Elizabeth, so would you keep your acne ridden nose out of my buisiness?" [she doesn't have acne... unfortunately] and she said 'Well, I'm just saying, American Eagle is not for sluts, only their skirts are slutty.' And I was like "GGGRAAAAH!!!! [FEAR MY SCREAM OF EVIL!] IF IT'S NOT FOR SLUTS THEN WHY DO THE ZIPPERS ON THEIR SHIRTS GO ALL THE WAS DOWN TO THE BASE OF YOUR BRA???!!!" [I was angry... I didn't realize I was being stupid] And she said 'So you can put a white shirt underneath it!' And I said "Trust me honey, that is NOT what they intended." And I walked out in a huff. [Follow me so far? Good.]
I was walking to my bus and I saw Elizabeth so I ran up to her to say 'hi'. [and other things] Well, earlier that day I had explained the basics of Battle Royale to her so I said, "THAT'S who I would shoot first."
OK, that was pointless and stupid... but so am I! So, I hope you enjoyed reading the watered down version of my hatred! [I am truly a vicious creature, so don't piss me off, I'm running out of places to hide the parts.] So tune is later do see more stupid things from me! ^.^
Did you know that the word 'assassin' has the word 'ass' in it... twice?