Why did it have to snow?!?!

Jan 18, 2006 09:35

I'm waiting for Anthony to sign on, but I really don't think he's going to. He signed off yesterday without saying goodbye or anything, and when that happens he's having problems with his internet. Since he still isn't on yet this morning, I think there is something wrong with his internet connection, which stinks. I hate not being able to start out my day by talking to him. I don't know...maybe he'll sign on sometime soon.

I have been very successful in getting the new Kyle to talk to me. He is new on the floor this quarter, and didn't really talk to anyone at first. I started talking to him whenever I saw him, and now he talks to me and everyone else, too. He's a little weird, but at least he's talking! He is in the Marines and just got out of their equivalent of boot camp (he told me the name, but I forgot it...something about blue...I don't know). I asked him last night why he joined the military, and he said he didn't really know. When I asked him why he joined the Marines, he said the same thing. He did say that he loved the Marines, so that's good. He is also from a town just south of Cleveland, and has a sister. That's all I've been able to get out of him, though. He talks a lot about what's currently on the TV, but hey...he's still talking! I have succeeded well in my goal.

Anthony still isn't on...I really don't think he'll be on, either. His mom is also online waiting for him, but she has probably figured it out by now, too. Only three more weeks and then he can come home to me! I'm excited! He'll only be home for two weeks, and I'll only get to see him for about five days, but hey...it's better than how often I get to see him now! I would love to be able to spend the whole two weeks with him, and I know he feels the same way, but I have school and work and he has to visit with his family. It's understandable, but it still kinda stinks. Oh well...hopefully he'll be home for good soon.

My classes this quarter are really easy. I've been so bored lately! I hardly ever have any school work, and so most of the time I just end up sitting in one of the boys suites just watching whatever is on TV with them. I have my first midterm next week in Food Science, but it won't be bad. I think I have a paper due sometime within the next couple of weeks in Women's Studies, but I'm not sure. We are behind schedule in Classics, but I am ahead, so it's all good. I don't have to read anything for that class until next week because the Professor has gotten so far behind. Oh well...he's cool, so I can live with it.

Well, I'm gonna go find something to do for the next hour and a half before I have to leave for class. Anthony still isn't on...oh well. There's always tomorrow, right? Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!
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