Nov 02, 2005 03:37
seriously, this is ridiculous. i can't sleep. i can never sleep. i'm still awake, and will be up for school in a few hours.
i need to see a freaking doctor and get some sleep aid. i'm really concerned now. i never sleep at night and just can't. it's hurting me in other facets of my life, as well. because of this, i often skip classes. i wake up and just can't stay up long enough to move. or on days like today, i'm so tired, i go to my early class, try and take a nap before my 12:30 class, and when i wake up i just can't move. it's hurting my grades.
tomorrow's cool, though.
i was thinking about my life earlier, and i really need to find some drinking buddies in stillwater if i don't want to come off as an alcoholic. i know kerissa's a shoe in, cari indeed, but who else are 21 year old candidates? weird, my drinking buddies at home are mostly guys, in stillwater they're girls. woah there.
funny things. i worry about our basketaball team this year. i've ran into jameson curry two nights in a row and both times he looked insanely high. the reason he's at osu is because unc dropped his scholarship for selling/having weed. i worry "team kicked off of" #2 will soon be osu. oh well.
you know what i miss? that show on comedy central, "con". they had a little hour block of it earlier tonight. took me back.
i can't wait for the end of this month because of the following events, in sequential order:
1. nov. 18 - goblet of fire comes out
2. nov. 20 - my birthday
3. nov. 24-26 - thanksgiving with my family
4. nov. 26 - huge ass party to celebrate mine, keegan, james, and melissa's birthdays
5. the future - being able to buy my own booze
okay, i'm going to make attempt #3 at going to sleep. wish me luck.