May 23, 2007 12:30
I started looking over the dates of orientation and such for OSU, and it's all a lot earlier than I anticipated. My last day of work will have to be September 7, which doesn't seem all that far away now. I was feeling pretty good about going to grad school, and now I'm starting to panic a little. I'm going to be completely swamped, and for the first time I am thoroughly intimidated by the amount of time this is going to take up.
A small (but still significant) part of me harbors the fear of failure. I just hope I can handle it like I used to handle undergrad. And money will be tighter than anticipated because I won't be working for the symphony anymore. Well, not as long as they want to keep me on in a full time role. That's entirely too much work to do with an already demanding class schedule next fall.
I think I'll need to work some type of part-time job so that I can save a little money for emergencies and travel. I'm thinking the local Pet People in Grandview would work since we go through more pigs' ears and beef tendons than China does rice at this point. Charlie is teething like those ground worms in Tremors. She's lucky she's cute. Anyway, Pet People for 10 - 15 hours a week would provide a little extra cash on top of my Fellowship cash. Plus, cashing my final paycheck and all the vacation/PTO hours should provide a good cushion for school. Oh, and there's my big ass sales bonus, too.
Okay, so I probably have nothing to worry about, but I just hate money. It worries me.
We're moving on Friday. We found a great place in German/Merion Village (it's on the border of the two) that costs a lot less than our Grandview place. I hate moving, but this is the right move for us. You know, saving money, more efficient place, closer to work... blah blah blah. It's cute and around the corner from some great bars and restaurants. I'm excited for the new place, but hating that we have to move less than nine months after we first merged. And Suz has so much shit. I love her, but she's such a girl. Okay, I love that part, too.
I want a vacation. I want to see my friends, too. This grown up bullshit of seeing your friends once a month makes me feel so disconnected and blank. I love my home and relationship and the family we've built, but I need just a little more. Every time this happens, I begin to feel like I'm losing myself. Must...reconnect...friends?