Mar 28, 2006 00:20
yah, that sounds about right...stressing out on the first day of the quarter....grand.
first of all, i'd like to let you know that i sprained my ankle last sunday but sucked it up all through west virginia. i was fine until saturday night/sunday and thats when i decided to go to the ER where they just gave me a better brace than what i was using. sooo try to remember the factor of me having to limp around everywhere and having a sore ankle as you read on...
so my day starts off of my "walking to class" buddies is getting a ride from someone to class, and the other didnt wake up until i called them at 9:05 to see if they were ready to go...class being at 9:30 mind you. so finally we make it to class about 5 min late but we didnt miss much. this class requires a lot of reading, but the guy seems cool. class #2 at noon seems like its going to be rather easy since the lady even admitted to being a push-over (and THAT, my friends, i can work with) but had two books for us to buy *gag*. class #3 - my third writing course. might suck. a lot. we had to break up into groups for the rest of the quarter and we have to do a ginormous researching dealie for the entire quarter. now, i'm also an ASM for the show, so i will have NO, i repeat, NOOOOO time for group meetings. so that sucks. plus she requires another book.
so far that is 4 books for 3 classes, and im guessing total that will be around $250
all of which i definately do not have...after rent this month i will have $10 to my name. i had to get my car fixed, paid for gas, drove to west virginia (but honestly, i didnt spend that much there), somehow our gas bill jumped from a normal bill of around $80 to an outrageous $317 so there goes a lot more money out of my account. my income tax return needs to come now so that i can have that extra $400 JUST to spend it on did i mention that i also have an $80 phone bill that i'm going to have to pay as well? hmm....cant pay for that.
*siiigh* well, i start my acting class tomorrow at 9:30. i'm pretty excited to do it because i do NOT act. but my most favorite theatre person of all time is teaching it (hense why i chose that specific class) and there's only 6 people in it, so it shouldn't be toooo bad....right? our first rehearsal was tonight...lasted from 6-11...well, for me at least since im like the "important" one. blahhh. i guess it was okay for just being the first rehearsal and all. after i got home i sat here and wrote down in my planner every rehearsal time on that given day, including performances, then i took out all of my syllabi (is that a word?) and wrote down every chapter i would need to read for that week for the given classes along with any important dates, etc. for every class...after looking that over and factoring in my 30 hours of meijer time a week, i should be clinically dead. noooo time.
so if you planned on spending any sort of time with noelie this quarter, good luck, because even i can't get time to spend with noelie. =|
on that note, i'm going to bed....goodnight kids....wish me luck for this quarter, i'm definately going to need it...