Feb 20, 2005 23:11
A is for age: 20 yay almost 21!
B is for brand of clothes: any really, but i heart old navy
C is for career: social work, preferrably in child services
D is for dads name: edward eugene....what a lame name haha
E is for essential item to bring to a party: digital camera and the kho
F is for favorite song at this moment: beautiful soul by jesse mccartney...its "our" song *wink* hehe
G is for girlfriend: i could be someone's gf...
H is for hometown: findlay/maumee/carey who really knows
I is for instruments you play: clarinet, piano, gamecube
J is for jam or jelly you like: strawberry jelly
K is for kids: someday
L is for living arrangement: living in a poo hole with the kho and sometimes gma, but next year it will be me, kho, jim, derek, and brandy yay!
M is for moms name: jane elizabeth aww pretty!
N is for name of your boyfriend/girlfriend: husband? joshie!!!
O is for overnight hospital stays: when i was born
P is for phobia(s): being alone and being lied to
Q is for quote you like: be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind dont matter, and those who matter dont mind...
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: year and a half (shortest being like a month and a week haha)
S is for school you attend: THE ohio state university! i heart my buckeyes =)
T is for time you wake up: mwf around 8ish and t th around 7:15 blah
U is for unique trait: i can do the wave with my eyebrows and i can bend my tongue weird, id just have to show you
V is for vegetable you love: pickles (dill only!)
W is for worst habit: procrastination
X is for x-rays you've had: um, teeth xrays
Y is for yummy food you make: butterscotch brownies...mmm so good...havent made those for a while
Z is for zodiac sign: aquarius...water bearer baby
well i hope you had fun, i sure did....*gags*