You know what my New Year's Resolution is? (And I didn't pick it until well after the new year) I've decided I don't give a flying flip about trying to lose weight. I am tired of feeling bad about my body when there isn't much reason to. I'm tired of feeling guilty about not exercising 10x more than I do. Rather, I intend to maintain the status quo. If I don't gain more weight, I'm doing pretty good. If I make a conscious effort to go walk at the mall a few nights a week, well that's better than sitting at home. Is this sounding like rationalizing? I have a bad habit of doing that, but in this case I'm not trying to. I like food. I love cooking. I don't see the inherent evils of butter - I see a need for moderation. And besides, no one trusts a thin cook - that's why I hate the Food Whore on Everyday Italian.
I think what tipped me over the edge was the random free copy of Vogue that appeared in my mailbox last week. There was an article in it about a model who has struggled to make a name for herself because she is considered "fat". She's a size 4. A SIZE FUCKING 4!! Seriously?? There is something so wrong about our modern world when a size 4 woman is fat. Where does it end?? You know what I look like naked? (Yeah, I know you don't want to know, but I'm going to tell you anyway) I look like one of those curvy women in old classic paintings. The ones with big hips and big butts. They were considered beautiful in their time. And when I look at those paintings, I don't see a bunch of fat, naked chicks - I see beautiful women, unashamed of their bodies.
So I'm not fat - I'm timeless. And if you don't like it, you can kiss by big fleshy butt!
P.S. Why does shortcut chicken pot pie taste only a hair less delicious than the from-scratch stuff I make? I really expected there to be a noticeable difference, and yet, no. This undermines my confidence in from-scratch cooking a little.
P.P.S. Go check out the new livejournal blog I started with my friend Megan:
twisted_lyrics Its a journal for the mind game we came up with involving rewriting song lyrics in a more verbose fashion...yeah that wasn't a very good description, just go check it out - PLEASE!