i feel like a molded rusty spoon. and i really want to know why i have no entries on my friends page prior to March 21st. wtf? did LJ clear something or do my friends hate me or what? eff. so my "Spring Break" sucks and it hasn't officially even started yet. I actually worked (for the first time in 3 months) this weekend and i work tomorrow too.
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*started going out with a frat guy named brad
*almost got arrested for parking in the wrong spot
*had a bottle rocket shot out of my car
*fell down some stairs
*fell into my bed and almost broke my nose
*fell over a tennis net
*started to fall in love with this particular frat boy
*leaving tomorrow to go home for easter-where my family will just make fun of me and tell me how much weight i've gained!!!
your turn sterberger
*still continued to be insanely in love with Joey
*started teching for the spring show
*went to Myrtle Beach with music dept. trip
*finally convinced my mom that i'm going to BSU, and replied there.
*applied for a shitload of scholarships
*got caught in the middle of a hail storm
*generic school poop that's not interesting.
well, give me a call sometime, or IM me-my screen name is idolchick33
talk to you later sweetie!
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